Sundial in the village of Avigliana (Susa Valley).
The Piedmontese inscription says:
"A l'è l'ora d'ier a st'ora / né pi tard né pi bonora".
"It's yesterday's time at this time, neither later nor earlier".
The Piedmontese inscription says:
"A l'è l'ora d'ier a st'ora / né pi tard né pi bonora".
"It's yesterday's time at this time, neither later nor earlier".
Comments: 32
Un abbraccio Pietro e sereno weekend!
La meridiana ... affascinante e "spiritosa" :)
Grazie e buon fine settimana!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
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Happy Sunday!
ps. ad Avigliana c'era una pizzeria dove mangiai molto bene, un secolo fa:-)
Love also the time quote!
Have a good Sunday!
Hope you are enjoying the Advent season too.
:-) Donna del Medio Evo sognu:-))
ps. buon giovedi, ma anche ...gli altri giorni.
Have e great weekend ahead
hugs Marinela
Amazing sundial!!
Blogtrotter Two is spending a day at sea. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!
Un caro saluto e buona giornata.