
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


18 February 2010

Sanremo 2010

This year is the 60th Anniversary of the renowned Sanremo Music Festival which is hosted at the Ariston Theatre in February, 16-20.

Comments: 47

Mike's Travels
That's really cool!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: Very cool Improvisation, how I wish our February was this Sunny. If you did it in Ohio you would have had to use a gray theme. I'll bet the music is outstanding.

Hi Pietro!
I like this picture:)
this bright color makes me happy and delightful:)
I wish the sunshine shined me.


Another amazing image Pietro.

E si questa volta la kermesse di Sanremo compie ben 60 anni... complimenti per averlo ricordato con questa tua " improvvisazione"... ho dato un'occhiata anche a tutte le altre, alcune già le avevo ammirate ma di quelle più vecchie mi piacciono molto July e Valentine's day del 2009.... complimenti!!!

Un abbraccio Pietro e buona serata.

Kim, USA
Wow what is this?? This is way too cool and love the color too.


Photo Cache
Love this pix. I see this enlarged and hanging on a wall somewhere.

Louis la Vache
Another fine addition to your improvisations series!

very nice! gives out a happy feeling :)

A home far away
Nice blog!

Have a great weekend
Hugs Gunilla in Singapore

ciao Pietro, hai ragione fa sempre freddo, buon venerdi.

ps: con questo tempo non posso nemmeno uscire a provare gli obiettivi nuovi che ho comprato.

Ciao Pietro, un'improvvisazione bella datata e musicale:-), l'unica cosa che mi accomuna è il compimento dei 60 a. almeno io aspetto la pensione ahahah, mio nipotino forse vedrà il 120° :-) attesa della neve "dei giardini di marzo", ti invio un caro saluto....oggi tutto lava la pioggia che vien giù con un grande ombrello me ne andrò in giro ..:-)

That sounds like a wonderful event. You have captured music and time in a fabulous way with this one.

Thanks for sharing your lyrical 'improvisations' for the Festival. Guaranteed to make one want to attend!

Bellissima composizione di colori...numericamente parlando, complimenti e buon fine settimana Pietro :-)

Buon Week-end Pietro... un abbraccio!

I love your use of colour - so vibrant, so pleasing to the eye, so calming to the soul. I like very much 'Thought for the People of Haiti' and also your 'July' painting - and your Sundials . . .

Great image, I liked this.

The Blonde Duck
I do believe in God. I've actually attended two private Christian schools--kinder-2nd grade and my university, Baylor, was a Christian school. Ben and I are both Christian--I just don't talk about it on my blog because I don't want to offend folks.

fine piece of work!
I love the use of numbers in this. Nice work Pietro.
I hope your weekend is wonderful.

Aside its impact on music around the globe, SR Festival took for granted social effects of music on ideal human relationships between peoples of various lands that is the success, I think. Nothing better than music and becoming close to the common human feelings.
Thank you San Remo, Thank you Viva Italia:)

Referred to my post, my style is very variable. Depends on where I am. In general speaking, I'm a mix of 70% city fashion (=metro), 20% classics and 10% sport. Bravo, you knew of me:)

Have a sunny nice Sunday, Pietro.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens
I remember San Remo; The music changes, or change the music, the festivals don't.

This is a fantastic work dear Pietro!

Unseen India Tours
Fantastic and beautiful post !! This is so nice !!

Davvero una grande idea! Appena visto mi ha sorpreso per la vivacità dei colori e la disposizione delle linee: un ottimo lavoro, mi sarebbe piaciuto vederlo come manifesto!

Un saluto Pietro e buon inizio settimana!

ciao Pietro, buon inizio settimana.

Ciao Pietro, ti auguro un piacevole lunedi...
è una settimana ricca di impegni, per me, volerà in fretta, verso marzo "un mese che mi si addice:-)
ps. mi ricordo che un anno nevicò ad aprile (a Pasqua), ci gustammo la gita fermandoci a Lanzo a pranzo..82/83 la memoria non m'inganna....
Un saluto cordiale

Louis la Vache
Pietro - yes, you see smoke coming from the Napa Valley Wine Train. The locomotive pulling the train dates from the 1950s; the engine is probably in need of an overhaul. In any case, diesel engines from that era, even when new, gave off more smoke than what modern diesel engines give off.

never heard of this. ill check youtube for some samples. sounds good!

Nice work! I love the pink music notes!!

Sounds interesting. I'll go and check it. Thanks for sharing. :)

ciao Pietro, buona giornata.


The SANREMO festival was a must in the musical scene of Italy and from there came some very well known songs!

I didn't know thar the theatre had the same name of that famous Italian brand.

And of course your fine work is really nice. Great colours.

The Blonde Duck
It's actually snowing in San Antonio. The mind boggles.

Hi Pietro! Sorry for another long absence, but after a busy start of the year I decided to make a break during the Carnival week, anticipating new hard weeks ahead!!

Amazing! 60 years; no wonder I remember it since I was a little boy... ;) Great improvisation!

Meanwhile, Blogtrotter 2 is in Haiti. Hope you enjoy and have a great week!!

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I clicked on your Improvisations and was treated to a whole gallery of your art. Seeing them all together is so impressive. Love your unique style!

Sanremo is well known Music Festival. Your work is great and special like always.

Wow that brings lot of memories for me. I used to watch Sanremo all the time when I was a kid and lived in Europe. It was so much fun. Thanks again for sharing. Anna :)

Love it again. I'm not always good at figuring out abstract art. I might love it, but not be able to figure out anything it represents. I did on this one before I saw the title which makes me love it more.

I like it...
music = math, math = music !

Le rayonnement de la musique italienne à travers l'Europe ! J'imagine que chacun de tes chiffres, Pietro représente un succès que nous avons tous entendu.

That's a very interesting advert for it. How colourful!

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