
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


14 October 2010

Church of the Croce Dorata

The Church of the Croce Dorata works as the funerary chapel of the Municipal Cemetery of the city of Rivoli (Turin) since 1838. The church was erected after a miracle happened in 1680 to Claudio Galasso da Giaglione, who was praying in front of a votive templet depicting the Virgin and was returned the gift of speech. The people, as a thanksgiving for the miracle, built a chapel around the ancient votive templet as it is recorded on the stone plate attached on the façade and dated 1685.

Comments: 29

A wonderful story and a handsome church.

Hi Pietro!
I like the church and the story about miracle.
by the way I went to see drawings of Uffizi yesterday.
I wanted to feel like being in Italy!
I wish I could go to Italy on weekends!

Suggestiva questa cappella ed emozionante la sua storia Pietro, grazie per averla condivisa.

Un saluto e buona serata,

Marina Filgueira
Ciao Pietro: Che bella chiesa della croce d'oro, e il funerale piílla Città di Rivoli. In realtà, Torino, e tutta l'Italia è ricca di monumenti, merita uno sguardo più attento. Dico questo perché ero lì fuori e io so qualcosa. Questo è un bene che Madonna sarà presentato e ha restituito il dono della parola, mentre Claudio Giaglione pregato. Precedentemente vi erano molti miracoli, non so perché non adesso? Beh, posso solo dirvi Io amo i monumenti e tutte le immagini qui presenti. Congratulazioni. Un bacio ed essere felici.


Hola Pietro: Que hermosa la Iglesia de la cruz de oro, y la piílla funeraria de la ciudad de Rivoli. En realidad, Turín, y, toda Italia es rica en Monumentos, Es digna de una mirada detenida. Lo digo porque Estuve por ahí y conozco algo.

Que bueno que la Virgen se le presentara y le haya devuelto el don de la palabra mientras Claudio Giaglione rezaba.
Antiguamente había muchos milagros, ¿no sé porque ahora no?

Bueno solo me queda decirte que me encantan los Monumentos y todos los cuadros que presentas aquí. Enhorabuena. Un beso y se feliz.

Marina Filgueira
Perdón... He puesto piilla, en vez de Capilla.

A great story and a homey church. Brick always seem to me at once ancient and modern. Your images capture the feeling for me.


Warm Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral

Ciao Pietro, buon fine settimana. Scatti magnifici, quando Gabry verrà qui da noi la porterò a vedere questa magnifica chiesa.Un cordiale saluto.

Buon week-end Pietro.

ps domenica è prevista una spruzzata di neve in montagna.

Beautiful old church. The architecture is magnificent.

Bellissime immagini, come sempre. Buon fine settimana Pietro.

Interesting story about miracle. I like the photos of really beautiful old church.
Have a nice weekend!

sonia a. mascaro
Pietro, The Church of the Croce Dorata is very beautiful! I love buildings construct with bricks.
I like the story about the miacle, it's very "emocionante".

Have a nice weekend!

So much more to learn and see of Turin. :)
Great post.

Un abbraccio Pietro e sperando in un pò di sole ti auguro uno splendido week-end!

How impressive story about Santa Croce, I love it. Well, my beautiful golden chapel be there, soon I will be visiting you:)
Here's sunny and happy weekend wishes to you Pietro.

Mike's Travels
Great texture with super blue sky!

Short Poems
I like the church and the story :)
Great, great pics, love them!

i love red brick churches even the ones here in our country. the notre dame church in vietnam is as beautiful. youve captured it great with those zoom shots.

Pietro excellent gallery of the church. So much beautiful details. Thanks for sharing. Anna :)

Buon inizio settimana Pietro ... un abbraccio!

Un cordiale saluto e buon inizio settimana:-)

Lovely shots of this old, old place of miracles! I really liked the 'croce' window in the second photo.
Happy week, my friend.

Photo Cache
interesting history and architecture. i like brick structures.

Great church!
Croce Dorata means Golden Cross, right (Cruz Dourada in Portuguese)?

I like its simplicity. At the same time it seems to have withstood the test of time.

Looking forward to the weekend?

Many thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again tomorrow!

Love this old churches showing the bricks... Lovely pictures!!

Ciao Pietro, sono rientrata dalla montagna.
inizia il freddo e questa notte ha nevicato abbastanza in basso, la neve da sempre un senso di pace interiore incredibile.

buona serata.

I love the looks of this church.
