The Church of the Croce Dorata works as the funerary chapel of the Municipal Cemetery of the city of Rivoli (Turin) since 1838. The church was erected after a miracle happened in 1680 to Claudio Galasso da Giaglione, who was praying in front of a votive templet depicting the Virgin and was returned the gift of speech. The people, as a thanksgiving for the miracle, built a chapel around the ancient votive templet as it is recorded on the stone plate attached on the façade and dated 1685.
Comments: 29
I like the church and the story about miracle.
by the way I went to see drawings of Uffizi yesterday.
I wanted to feel like being in Italy!
I wish I could go to Italy on weekends!
Un saluto e buona serata,
Hola Pietro: Que hermosa la Iglesia de la cruz de oro, y la piílla funeraria de la ciudad de Rivoli. En realidad, Turín, y, toda Italia es rica en Monumentos, Es digna de una mirada detenida. Lo digo porque Estuve por ahí y conozco algo.
Que bueno que la Virgen se le presentara y le haya devuelto el don de la palabra mientras Claudio Giaglione rezaba.
Antiguamente había muchos milagros, ¿no sé porque ahora no?
Bueno solo me queda decirte que me encantan los Monumentos y todos los cuadros que presentas aquí. Enhorabuena. Un beso y se feliz.
Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
ps domenica è prevista una spruzzata di neve in montagna.
Have a nice weekend!
I like the story about the miacle, it's very "emocionante".
Have a nice weekend!
Great post.
Here's sunny and happy weekend wishes to you Pietro.
Great, great pics, love them!
Happy week, my friend.
Croce Dorata means Golden Cross, right (Cruz Dourada in Portuguese)?
Looking forward to the weekend?
Many thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again tomorrow!
inizia il freddo e questa notte ha nevicato abbastanza in basso, la neve da sempre un senso di pace interiore incredibile.
buona serata.