Breathtaking captures, Pietro! The lighting is superb and what gorgeous blue skies! Such a magnificent basilica! Hope you have a lovely weekend! Enjoy!
A stunning visit to the Basilica at night after seeing it last month in the daylight. The statue of the Madonna with her halo of stars is so beautiful.
Spero di non aver scritto, mio malgrado, un commento che abbia potuto offenderti, non era nelle mie intenzioni, se così fosse chiedo scusa., se vuoi scrivermi in privato.Un cordiale saluto e buona giornata.
Comments: 25
Fabulous shots!! The light is awesome!!
Blogtrotter Two is around Scandola. Fabulous! Enjoy and have a great weekend!
Ciao & Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
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Hope you are enjoying the Advent season, Pietro!
I will see the details at another post. Thanks for sharing that beauty.
happy holidays., se vuoi scrivermi in privato.Un cordiale saluto e buona giornata.
Have a blessed Christmas!
Un caro saluto