
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


22 June 2010

The slice of polenta

One of the most unusual constructions in Turin, the "slice of polenta" is the result of a series of coincidences. A 37m space on Corso san Maurizio occupied by a wedge shaped three storey building, bought in 1859 by Francesca Scaccabarozzi, wife of the architect Alessandro Antonelli (1798-18888). In 1881, the architect added two floors and an attic, raising the total height to 27m, identical to the length. The façade of the building is only 5m wide, while the thin end of the wedge is a mere 70cm.

Comments: 36

Già...fetta di scommessa :-) Buona sera , Pietro

The Blonde Duck
Soooo weird.

L'ultima immagine è veramente impressionante....

Un saluto Pietro e buona serata.

Mike's Travels
Absolutely fascinating!

Sylvia K
That's incredible, Pietro! Your photos are superb as always and I always love the history/information you include about the sites you've shared with us! Fascinating! Enjoy your week!


Wow! I wonder how they fortified that against wind, it looks like a sail! It is beautiful, in shape and in colour.

sonia a. mascaro
Just amazing building, Pietro!
The architecture and colour of the building on the 3# photo is beautiful. On the last photo, the building is only a facade? I mean there is no space on it?

Love when you show up photos of Turin!

Very funny the name "slice of polenta". By the way, I like so much polenta.


Lovely blue skies and nice architecture.
Great captures and angles Pietro.

Have a wonderful day.

A volte mi chiedo se sono da considerarsi solo d'effetto o colpi di creatività comment ..
Buona giornata, gentile Pietro.

ps. oltre che spagnolino a Napoli si usa anche "cerasiello" :-)

you tricked me with that. lol. nice nice.

Now that is a building that makes a statement. No trouble giving directions to that address!!!


That building is so weird, but in a nice way. It's like LEGO blocks...

The last photo gives us a pretty good idea how "slicy" that looks, but I think the facade is quite interesting. A classical architecture with nice details and, of course, great photos as usual.

Short Poems
That building is so beautiful. Great photos as always :)

Suspens......jusqu'à la fin !
Excellent !
Je n'ai jamais vu cela avant, Piétro. Et la façon de le présenter m'amuse beaucoup.

That's very interesting, Pietro. A lovely facade. Obviously not a place for over-eaters!

ciao Pietro buona giornata.

Ciao Pietro,
Innovative design to build such a landmark on a minimum spot! It should be the important symbol that makes Torino stand apart from other Italian cities, no? I enjoy this mathematical tour in Torino and interesting shots from every face:)

Have a lovely day~

Louis la Vache
hee hee!
Appropriately named!

Hi Pietro! is always nice see ur beautiful photos!

Ciao Pietro,
che sorpresa!!! Gli italiani hanno grande capacitá inventiva:)). A prima vista mi sembrava veramente un bel edificio dipinto con colori del sole. É tanto vero il detto che accanto ad un eroe c'é sempre un' eroina. Le tue foto sono eccezionali!
Ti invio un grande abbraccio

Photo Cache
so pretty, unique and awesome. have to save again to visit italy. so many things/places to see.

enjoy your weekend.

Ciao Pietro hai visto i fuochi? Com'è andata la caduta premonitrice?
Speruma bin...

ps.è una vita che nn vado alla pellerina, prima ci portavo il cane a correre, ma adesso dobbiamo riguardarci entrambi:-)
Buon venerdi

riri dice che se il farò "cade" verso porta nuova ci sarà un buon anno per Torino, altrimenti potrebbe essere un anno nefasto:-) più di così non credo, visto le varie chiusure di aziende, cmq si spera sempre..
Vedi Pietro che per essere una napoletana a Torino sono informata?:-)

What an amazing, interestin and beautiful building, Pietro!:-) Great post and wonderful photos!
Have a nice weekend!

Louis la Vache
«Louis» again - this made «Louis» hungry for polenta...


This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: That is magnificent construction, only an artist could design that building.

Un saluto Pietro e buon week-end!

It is unusual and very interesting. But I don't understand why :)

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again. Have a fab weekend!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens
So I can't actually live in the top floor? Just to bad. Having a bit of fun building something unusual, why not! In other ways it looks very traditional, the colours and the style. Good name; I like Polenta and I cook it in milk not water, with lots of grated cheese and fried good for you, me. Have fun dear Pietro and a nice week.

Hi Pietro! Sorry for the absence, but after a long weekend break, I was working abroad last week...

Wow! What an amazing building; almost like the Flatiron... ;)

Meanwhile, Blogtrotter Two discovers Sardinia! Enjoy and have a great week!

wow! how unique. Great photo shots.


hahaha interesting!!

Jeannette StG
Very intriguing, Pietro!

Davvero curioso...