
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


11 December 2010


I often travel the Val di Susa (Susa Valley, Piedmont) and I can't help noticing more and more NO TAV signs.
The readers who are not interested in the NO TAV question will perhaps look upon these photographs as curious images.

NO TAV is a movement of the population of the valley against the construction of a railway line of high-speed train (TAV) Turin - Lyon, in the construction of the so-called Corridor 5 that should connect across eastern Europe (beginning from Kiev), with the major cities of western Europe (including Turin, Marseille, Barcelona to Lisbon).

Comments: 39

Sylvia K
There seems to be many that are not in favor of this! I'm curious as to how you feel, Pietro! Hope you have a very lovely weekend!


Per andare veloci basta un aereo, ma anche i treni esistenti, con linee da risistemare...Non si deturpa il paesaggio.
NO TAV !!!!!
Grazie Pietro, buon fine settimana.

Mi associo al pensiero di Rirì...
Un saluto Pietro e buon week-end!

This anti-TAV is a movement of long duration, as I know from your coverage on the blog. When will the fateful decision ever be made?

Mike's Travels
I live near Heathrow Airport and I fear that governments will always have their way!

I know this is going to sound so random, but the NO TAV thing came across my mind this week and how you posted them in your blog, only to find a NO TAV post now! so creepy!!
anyway, have a good weekend :) I jsut got back from a trip to Malacca (state in Malaysia) - will be posting some photos up when I can!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens
I am glad when I see people standing up for their rights when the Politicians try to abandon once more the democratic rights of the voters and steer through their wishes.

Orrore deturpare un paesaggio così.
Ciao Pietro,

Carla, i colori...pensieri della mia mente.
sono molto significative queste tue foto.
ciaoo Pietro

no tav everywhere!!! resistence!

Hi Pietro! What a shame; they won't let me go to the Val di Susa... ;)

Blogtrotter Two has started to cruise the Nile for you, but without Poirot.. ;) Enjoy and have a great week!

sonia a. mascaro
Hi Pietro,
Looks that the movement NO TAV have many adhesions.

Love the house's photos with so much greenery around them. The balcony with flowers and the garden is just lovely!

It's much cold there?
Here the weather is very hot.
Have a nice Sunday!

Ciao Pietro, buon inizio settimana.

Buon inizio settimana Pietro... un saluto!

Buon inizio settimana ed un cordiale saluto da...indovina un pò? :-))

L. Neusiedler
I hope they manage to stop the construction... if they don't want it, there is a fair chance that it is not good for the environment...

C'est un projet qui semble stagner..... Peut-être que les anti-TAV auront le dernier mot ?

Je comprends que lorsqu'on habite une aussi belle région, si préservée jusqu'à nos jours, on soit contre l'ouverture de tranchées dans les montagnes.
Peut-être y aurait-il des efforts à faire sur les lignes existantes pour les rendre plus rapides.
Mais les gouvernements y pensent-ils. Réflêchissent-ils au bien être plutôt qu'à l'argent ? Je ne crois pas.

Ciao Pietro,buona giornata.

Hopefully they will manage to stop the construction!
Great photos as always Pietro!

Photo Cache
keep us posted if the no tav movement gets their way or not.

happy holidays.

I'm not in favor of things that shrink our world or that reduce outlying regions to curiosities for weekend travelers. I admire the tenacity of these people.

The Blonde Duck
Happy Wednesday!

Ciao Pietro, mi mancavi sull'isola...con le tue bellissime immagini !
Buona serata :-)

sonia a. mascaro
Hi Pietro,
I am glad you like my old family's photos. I have a box full of them...
I am glad that you like Freddie Mercury videos too. He is my preferred singer always.

Have a nice day!

Ciao Pietro,
vedendo le tue immagini sono diventata fan di Val Susa, cosí dico anch'io NO TAV.
Un caro saluto e buona notte

Good to see people expressing themselves.

Aloha from Hawaii

Comfort Spiral



May be good for tourists but not for locals.
Interesting. I am against anything that spoils nature.

i thought the issue was already resolved. i hope more and more will support it.

No Tav!


Beautiful shots. First one is awesome. Nice way to protest.

Ciao Pietro, ti auguro un buon fine settimana, se hai bisogno di babbucce di lana spessa, fammi pure l'ordinazione:-)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: People can be become involved in causes and as long as they protest in a good way they have a right to express their opinion.

Pietro, I probably be against it, why do we need more!

Great gallery of photographs.

Pietro also stopping by to wish you happy holiday season filled with love and peace. Let it be healthy as well. All the best in the 2011.

Take care,
Anna :)

PS thank you for all your comments and visits as well during 2010

Buon week-end Pietro!

Istanbul protests and says NO TAV:)

On the other hand, it seems so economical to visit 5's, taking train in Kiev and stop at Lisbon, Portugal, wow:) Interesting voyage, yes I like it, sorry but I love high-speed and high-tech:)

Well, life is so good. Enjoy your life, do not worry so much. Have a nice weekend and third Sunday advent, Pietro.

From what I have seen of that in your blog, will they never be able to build the TAV? When will it be announced by EU, final decision about TAV? Wondering if there is not any other opt rather than Val di Susa for TAV-project?

If you believe it will work, I can gladly hang down NO TAV flags from my (three) balconies:)) Fammi sapere, not kidding:)

Buona domenica Pietro!

Hi Pietro! We don't have TAV but we have Internet... That's something already... ;)

Blogtrotter Two is moving south on the Nile: water, greenery and desert… Enjoy and have a great week!

It's not so much the No Tav signs that I notice, but everything else around them. That structure atop the hill is great. And then the lovely windows. Really pretty.

How are you enjoying this festive season?

Many thanks for your patience, and for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again tomorrow!