
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


21 January 2010

Sky Watch 22/1/2010

The Olympic Brazier 2006

Turin, February 10-26, 2006 - The Olympic Flame burned 4m high on the 60m high brazier tower throughout the whole of the Turin Olympic Games.

Happy Sky Watch!

Comments: 45

Beautiful. That is the GOOD kind of fire to see in the sky.

Beautiful capture, as always, Pietro. I can hardly wait for the winter Olympics in Canada.
Happy Friday!

Jane Hards Photography
Now that is a cool skywatch image.

Marvelous shot of Olympic flame

Wow Pietro! Fantastic and awesome scenes!
Happy weekend.

foto CHIP
This was interesting - I like this fire - thanks for showing it :)

Thank you for sharing a view of your world. Lovely shots.

Deve essere stato veramente emozionante il momento dell'accensione del braciere che apriva le olimpiadi invernali lìi a Torino nel 2006.

Un abbraccio Pietro!

How wonderful to actually have been there. I'm a little envious.
Love the shots! The flame against the sky and behind the branches is a beautiful view!

Sylvia K
What a fantastic capture for the day, Pietro!! And that is the kind of fire that is beautiful to see in the sky! How fortunate to be able to see it for real! Thanks for sharing! Wishing you a lovely weekend!


The tree branches, the many-faceted sky, the beautiful brazier tower, the orange-hued flames,
beautiful images!

I've missed visiting for a while, Pietro. I can see I've lots to catch up on.

I love your composition in these shots - the straight tree trunks mimicking the brazier tower in the first one and then the curving branches and twigs echoing the curved pipes in the second. Very harmonious.

Very nice photos and a most interesting torch!
All twisted made it very nice.

Terrific subject for skywatch.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Delicious, it was there fun to see your pictures of:)

Mike's Travels
Fascinating structure!
My Skywatch

Breath-taking. You are really good at taking pictures, Pietro. Thanks for sharing these to us. :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: That tower and flames brings back a lot of televised memories of Turin.


Photo Cache
so timely this showing of the olympic flame, because in a few days it will burn again in a brand new city.

happy weekend.

ciao Pietro, buon venerdi

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers
A moment in history, Pietro. I always find the lighting of the Olympic flame a very moving thing to watch but have never seen it in person. Lucky you! And great shots.

nice pics.

Breath-taking photos, the second closeup is really so nice, fire and pipe art makes me happy.

My world.
I do not think I waited for this day, Pietro;) Long waited 'cold' arrived in my town finally:( The winter silence upon us, and that is all happening 'outside':)
I will enjoy my snowy weekend to be able to catch the snowflakes -if I can leave my toast, eggs, hot cocoa and sitting by indoors:)

Well, wish you the best energy and warmth over the w-end~

Beautiful shots, Pietro! Great skywatch photo!

The Olympics are right around the corner... beautiful photo of the flame to get us "fired up!"

I love Nihal's comment above about winter and that wintry breakfast!

Un momento che non mi sono perso! Belle immagini, ho vissuto le Olimpiadi in modo coinvolgente, ho messo bandiere al balcone per salutare la fiaccola olimpica che passava sotto casa mia..grazie Pietro.
Buon fine settimana.

O.t.Per andreotti ti ho risposto sulle ricette.

Un abbraccio Pietro e buon fine settimana!

ciao Pietro, buon wee!

Let's see how it will be in Vancouver this year!!
Have a great weekend Pietro!

Hi Pietro!
Oh!!! I was surprised!!!
I didn't know Turin measn Torino!!
Oh, you live in Torino!! wow!

Those flames are really beautiful.
cool skywatch Pietro!

Those are really fantastic photos of Olympic flame Pietro!

L'immagine dell'amore che brucia...bellissima Pietro.
Buona giornata :-)

Ciao Pietro, buona domenica ,anche se continua essere freddo e ghiacciato, non so in citta ma qui in collina è uno spettacolo vedere gli alberi imbiancati dalla brina gelata.
un abbraccio

Sooo cool, indeed! Wish I see this kind of fire in real life.

Happy SSS---

Thanks for the past Olympic photos, nice memories. Anna :)

ciao Pietro, buon inizio settimana!!
ed è ritornata la neve non so in città, ma la collina dove abito questa mattina è ricoperta di neve ,

Buon inizio settimana ..grazie:-)

Louis la Vache
Can we climb up there and toast marshmallows?

The Blonde Duck
Any cream on pie is tasty!

sonia a. mascaro
Wow! Just beautiful, Pietro!

Torino, peut être à la fois très classique et chargée d'histoire, et à la pointe de la tecnologie dans sa modernité. C'est bien aussi de ne pas s'enliser dans son passé.

Bonsoir et bien je pense que je vais venir chez toi et sur cette photo ainsi il ne fera pas froid.
Bonne soirée