
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


14 April 2010

Snow cannons parked

Comments: 31
love these photos Pietro. The sky is gorgeous & the Mountains are divine.

Sylvia K
Gorgeous captures, Pietro! Such beautiful skies! And incredible mountains! I can only echo what Lily has written! Thank you for the beauty, as always! Have a great day!



Beh con tutta la neve che ha fatto quest'anno credo che possono anche rimanere parcheggiati....

Un abbraccio Pietro e buona giornata!

Cool! I've never seen a snow cannon before. Thanks for these pictures.

buon giorno Pietro! cielo e montagne bellissime! bel lavoro! purtroppo non ho più internet e non riesco a seguire tutti i blog, e pubblicare con continuità, ma presto spero di nuovo essere sulla cresta dell'onda e postare + frequente!
buona giornata! L.

Mike's Travels
Interesting... never seen one before.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: The view reminds me of my trip, I loved seeing the Alps.

sonia a. mascaro
Always gorgeous photos, Pietro!

As I've never seen snow in person... I don't know what for a snow cannon... I am curious...

Have a nice day!

Wow amazing scene!
We don't have it here.
Have fun in the ice Pietro.

sonia a. mascaro
Thanks Pietro for your answer.
Now, with your explanation about the cannon, I have a tenuous memory that times ago I saw here a similar photo... and that I asked you the same question...(smile) Am I correct?
Thanks again!

They look more like mega-phones than cannons!

sonia a. mascaro
Thank you again, Pietro, for sent me the link to the older post. On that post there is a cannon, but there is not snow...
But on my older comment I did not ask the same question... Lol!
Have a nice day!

Sono belli da vedere, così colorati e poi il loro scopo è "spargere candore"...
Buona giornata Pietro, speriamo che migliori.

Wow, INTERESTING! My very very very first to see a snowgun. How does it work?? I would prefer a 'Tulip Gun' instead of this one;)

Great post, Pietro, thanks as usual. Have a lovely day~

The Blonde Duck
WHAT are those things?

The mountains and sky, gorgeous as ever!

I guess the snow cannons had little work to do this past winter. ;-)

Photo Cache
are these snow makers? heard of them but haven't seen one yet.

The stuff of which winter illusions are made. Wow. They are fun, perky little fellas.

Ciao Pietro, don’t let them produce more snow! LOL
Your photos are wonderful, especially the first one.
Have a nice weekend!

Hi Pietro!
we have machines like your picture to make snow.
but we don't have such a cute machine!

Comme Dina, je n'avais jamais vu de canons à neige avant. Une bonne chose que je sois passée par chez toi.
Effaçons le blanc, passons au vert.....

Ciao Pietro, ti auguro un buon fine settimana ed una buona serata.:-)

So, the snow canons get a rest? ;-)

Have a great weekend.


Vedo che anche tu apprezzi i pianti semplici... che alla fine poi, pensandoci bene, sono i migliori...

Un abbraccio Pietro e buon week-end!!!

Isn't that just like life?--the sublime mountains and behind it the 'modern' age. Great captures all.
Enjoy your weekend in bella Italia!

Bellissime macchine da neve...abbagliano le cime più alte,
complimenti Pietro e buona serata :-)

i like the color combination of those cannons with the snow as the background. great! great! i hope everything is fine there not affecting so much from the eruption in iceland.

Controversial to say the least.... I am already missing ski season.

Hi Pietro!
Thanks for your kindness always.
last Friday it was snowing in tokyo after 41 years.
Of course it was my first time to see the snow in the middle of April in Tokyo.

All that snow! Does anybody ski there?

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