
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


19 April 2010

Shroud of Turin

The Holy Shroud, the most important relic of Christianity, is a linen mortuary sheet (440 x 113 cm) on which, on one side, the figure of a tortured and crucified man is imprinted. The two dark lines and the light triangles that run the entire length are the traces left by the fire that devastated in 1532 the Sainte-Chapelle of Chambéry (France) in which the sheet was almost destroyed.
The Shroud is on display inside the Cathedral of Turin from 10 April to 23 May 2010.
Pope Benedict XVI will be in Turin Sunday 2 May 2010.

Comments: 31

Sylvia K
What incredible photos, Pietro! Thank you so much for sharing these! Very moving!

Ah great photo reportage: thanks for sharing, this is a wonderful post!!!
Amazing! I imagine it to be a wonderful feeling to be in the presence of the Shroud.

Ciao Pietro, se avessi un'agenzia di pubbliche relazioni ti chiederei di essere mio socio:-) hai fatto delle foto fantastiche, poi, cosa dirti? Io adoro la gente, la folla, l'immensità di questo evento straordinario che suscita commozione, poi questo magnifico Duomo...è bello vedere dei posti che si conoscono bene ed ammirarli, semplicemente con una splendida foto:-) Grazie Pietro, ti auguro un bell'inizio di settimana.

A fascinating subject, the shroud.
Thank you for showing us the big picture, all that goes around the display of the shroud.

Grande Pietro!!!... sei riuscito a fotografare all'interno della cattedrale di Torino l'esposizione della Sindone, regalandoci così la possibilità di poterla vedere anche a noi che siamo lontano e non abbiamo la possibilità di venire a Torino.

Un abbraccio e buon inizio settimana!

I find the shroud to be an amazing relic. Thanks for the images. That is one dramatic display!

Mike's Travels
Extraordinary relic!

Excellent photos, Pietro! Stunning contrast between the ancient and the visiting. What an experience for you -- yes?

lovely building!

This is really interesting and your photos are great.

thank you for all these lovely images

That thing is amazing. Everybody that had been there must have felt the thrill. I would.
Anyway, thanks for sharing the pictures. It is very informative. :)

grazie per le belle foto degli interni, quanta gente!

Hi Pietro!
I saw it in the news on TV.
of course I remembered you when I saw the news.
I'm not sure it's true or not.
but probably it's not important it's true or not.
the important thing is that people can believe it or not, right?

Con queste belle immagini porti Torino a casa di tutti, grazie Pietro e buon pomeriggio :-)

sonia a. mascaro
Just great photos reportage, Pietro! I think that is very moving to be in the presence of that holy relic.
Thanks for sharing.

The Blonde Duck
Have you ever had a fish burger?

my mother will love this post. she wants to go there.

Hi Pietro! Hard to see... But it's back...

Blogtrotter Two has a French party for you in Turkey... ;) Enjoy and have a great week!!


It is nice to see a non commercial photo of the shroud and how it is being viewed by observers, so many people to see it.

Je pensais que le Saint Suaire était exposé continuellement à Turin.
D'ailleurs, on l'appelle le Saint Suaire de Turin.
Merci de nous le faire partager, Piétro.

Photo Cache
Oh wow, the most holy shroud! You are so lucky to be there. I hope you keep May 2 open so you can photograph the pope's visit as well.

Amazing experience.

To be on display for ~40 days in the Cathedral of Turin? GREAT exhibition to catch all the historical and artistic, magic and devotional emotions in the Holy Shroud. How I wanted to be there in person, ah.. Best~

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: What a classic proof from the story of crucifixion of Christ.

Very interesting, but I don't see a lot of the man on the sheet. Needs a lot of phantasy. Poor you having such a visit for 13 days !
Our government fell yesterday, again because of the language fight about two little municipalities, they belong to Brussels but the Flemish want them for themselves, it's crazy ! I hate extremists in everything !

Ho postato Piemonte Symphony e ho pensato a te.
Buona serata Pietro :-)

Pietro, will it be your first to see Pope Benedict on May 2nd? I closely saw Him when I were in Rome (2008), took some shots as well. Weird but I could not see Him when He was in His trip to Turkey, in Istanbul in 2006:( I am sure it's gonna be great for you all turinese.

One of these days, I'd like to be able to see it for myself. It would be an amazing experience.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. See you again tomorrow!

Grazie mille caro Pietro. Il Dio ti benedica.
Buona giornata a te