The very pretty and talented Cristiana Capotondi, one of my favorite actresses, splendidly interprets the role of Princess Sissi in the colossal tv, directed by Xaver Schwarzenberger and broadcasted in all Europe, on the Empress Elisabeth of Austria.
Comments: 31
buona giornata
Bella la tua improvvisazione Pietro per questa bella e sfortunata regina.
Un saluto e buona giornata!
Buon inizio marzo ed un cordiale saluto.
Have a good week ahead.
Buona giornata Pietro :-)
Happy weekend.
Lovely tribute to Ms. Capotondi!
I enjoy your paintings and your photography. As a young girl my favourite train journey was over the Bernina to Tirano, usually in autumn to taste the grapes and wine!
Sur ton dessin, la lumière de ta couleur la fait resplendir aussi. C'est fascinant ce jeu avec la lumière et la couleur. J'aime que certains y voient du jaune, d'autres du vert.....c'est là toute la liberté qu'offre le dessin par rapport à l'exactitude de la photo, une libre interprétation de ce que l'on voit.
Incredible yellow!
Blogtrotter 2 has moved to the Reggae Land. Enjoy and have a great week ahead!!
Un cordiale saluto