
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


19 October 2009

A sprinkling of snow

Comments: 31
Pietro, I am late for your last beautiful photo, so I will comment here. I love it! & I love the Emerson quote.
Also, the snow looks like confectioners sugar you see sprinkled on a cookie at the bakery, another beautiful sight!

Che bella la prima neve Pietro!!! anche qui ieri ha fatto una giornata tipicamente invernale con un vento freddo che tagliava il viso...
Speriamo che questa settimana le temperature si riportino a livelli autunnali.

Un saluto e buona nuova settimana!

Ciao Pietro, grazie per i tuoi simpatici e brillanti commenti:-)
Sai, anni fa andavo molto in giro per le montagne, mi sento esploratrice nell'animo, pur sognando il mare..le tue foto colgono bene la forza della roccia..un approdo sicuro, se lo si conosce.
Buon inizio settimana.

ciao Pietro, ed ecco la prima neve...

Hi Pietro! Already?? Well, Winter will be coming, but then we'll have Spring again... ;)

Thanks for your award!!
Blogtrotter is now at an old spa in Turkey. Enjoy and have a great week!

Mike's Travels
The snow makes the mountains so beautiful. Mmm.

Unseen India Tours
Beautiful and lovely shots !! Nice post..Unseen Rajasthan

You are right. It reminds me of sugar on a cake!

nice pic of the mountain..

sonia a. mascaro
What a beautiful photos, Pietro! Wonderful view, with a lovely house in the mountain.
Have a nice week ahead!

Meaning this you are already having snow?

The house in the middle of the mountain is it some sort of hotel?

Praticamente hai fatto le prove per diventale il nuovo "Yeti" dell'Alta Valle di Susa....ahahahah!!!!

Un abbraccio e buona serata.

The Blonde Duck
Gorgeous, as always!

Beautiful, all dusted with snow!
I love the "Dream in Yellow" too!

Would you believe that it snowed also in Vienna last week? Crazy weather.

wow! you should get into landscape photography. with the place perfect for shooting.

Beautiful and within reach yet abstract at the same time. I love what you do.

Wonderful view Pietro! It looks like two seasons in your photo; winter on the mountains and autumn in the hill. First snow and cold days came too early this year. But I still hope that the fall will not just walk around us. :-)

The beauty of snow never ceases to amaze me.

La neve è ricchezza...poi amore :-) riesci con le tue immagini a catturare l'attimo donandoci la natura e rendendola indistruttibile.
Buona serata Pietro!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: Your mountains look grand with the covering of snow.

love the 1st image! breathtaking!

Sylvia K
What a fantastic and breathtaking shot, Pietro! Your mountains are indeed gorgeous with the dusting of snow! Love it!



How amazing. Such a beautiful scene.

Looks as if there's been a giant sieve dusting icing sugar over the mountains. A beautiful contrast with the green of the trees. How I'd love to live in that chalet in the top picture!

This is amazing.. love the beautiful scene.....

C'est véritablement magnifique et rafraîchissant. J'imagine le bon air que l'on respire ici ! Cela doit se mériter, car c'est certainement après une longue randonnée qu'on atteint se merveilleux cadeau de la Nature.

I love snow!
This looks like a little more than just sprinkling. :)
Such a beautiful scene.

Breathtaking sight.


Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers
Beautiful Alpine scene, Pietro! Wonderful blue sky showing off that snow-sprinkled peak.

Guess what Pietro?
Snow-sprinkled mountain peak in Torino? Isn't it early to receive snow? In my town we are having very very nice days remained from late summer. Cold weather is not my friend but your giving-no-cold feeling 'snow' photos are:)

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

That second photo is breathtaking. And yeah, I forgot to say I love the Emerson quote, too!