
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


22 October 2009

Sky Watch 23/10/2009

"The trees are God's great alphabet:
With them He writes in shining green
Across the world His thoughts serene"
Leonora Speyer (1872 - 1956)

"For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver"
Martin Luther (1483 - 1546)

"There are rich counsels in the trees"
Herbert P. Horne (1864 - 1916)

Happy Sky Watch!

Comments: 41

Oh Pietro these are beautiful!
I love the green and blue contrasts. The Speyer quote describes this beautifully - soft and serene.

Sylvia K
Such gorgeous shots, Pietro! And like Carletta, I love the green against the blue -- great contrast! And both quotes are perfect, beautiful words and beautiful nature! Doesn't get any better!

Enjoy your weekend!


Photo Cache
your shots are always filled with artistry. and the quote worth remembering.

Kind of strange to see green trees again, when ours are all shutting down for the winter!
I do love the green leaves against the blue sky!!

Greta blues and greens.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Love the beautiful quotes with your beautiful and beloved trees~
A lovely weekend to you~

nice sky..

So pretty and happy. It must have been warmer (than it is now) when these were taken. Makes me want to be there.

Wow. Those are lovely skies!

So delicate, so beautiful and so very true!

Tammie Lee
gorgeous photos and wonderful quotes, thank you.

ciao Pietro. se passi da me .c'è una fetta di torta, per un compleanno speciale

Lovely! The green colour against the lovely blu sky. Perfect :-)

Gli alberi cantano la magnificenza del creato e lo glorificano alzano le loro chiome fino al cielo.

Un saluto Pietro e buona giornata!

Mike's Travels
Great! I'm on trees today too ;)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: Thanks for sharing these beautiful skies through the trees. These are truly artistic captures.

sonia a. mascaro
Beautiful trees with the blue sky, Pietro! Love your quotes too.
As you know, I LOVE trees!
Have a lovely weekend!

Louis la Vache
Nice contrast between the trees and the sky. Good study of the geometry of the clouds and the leaves.

love the blues...

So so very true. Nature always teaches us more than the materialistic things such as freedom and benefit.

This evening I will rise my glass to your very great article of today, saying 'Let our life be green as trees':)

In btw, I appreciate very much Pietro, as you did give me a new recipe of wine. I didn't know before. I've some Cabernet Sauvignon red wine, I'll try your recipe right now in a good quality glass:)

Have a very super weekend& Happy Skywatching to you~

Such a gorgeous blue skies with a touch of green.
Love the quotes too.
Have a great weekend Pietro.

Ciao Pietro, mi hai trovato on-line e le piante che hai catturato è come se volessero parlarmi!
Buona serata:-)

The quotes do your pictures justice. The greens are so lovely.

I'm with many of the comments here... I like the contrast of the green against the blue. Your quote is very fitting..

Ciao Pietro, ti auguro un buon fine settimana.
Queste foto sono un'armonia di colori, comme pennellate che tendono ad ampliare la tela, renderla vera, quasi infinita. Amo il cielo quando si presenta così annuvolato, gli alberi che sembrano sfiorarlo, sempre l'inno alla natura compare, qui da te, grazie.

What a lovely blue sky and how refreshing ! At least I see green leaves and a beautiful tree ! Most of the sky watchers are showing these colored trees whith their dying leaves ! I hate fall !

Buon fine settimana Pietro!

Grazie degli auguri alla mamma, e buona domenica.

ps;domani sono di servizio fotografico a Torino alla bocciofila "madonna del pilone"

Et peu d'entre nous cherchent à déchiffrer l'alphabet gravé dans le ciel. Pourtant, quand c'est écrit de ce vert tendre sur bleu, le message est clair pour ceux qui savent regarder.

Merci de nous offrir ces bien belles photos au couleurs de l'été, alors que mon ciel est uniformément blanc et triste.

Bon week-end Piétro.

Great quote and your photos are gorgeous. The greens and blues are so pretty. Thanks for sharing your skywatch.

i really like your photo... it looks so clear and so warm....

Beautiful and stunning shots!
Such p[retty ones for the meme.

Unseen India Tours
Some really beautiful,lovely and fantastic shots !! I loved the beauty !! Thanks for sharing..Unseen Rajasthan

beautiful. I agree with Martin Luther ;)

Anche a te Pietro auguro una splendida Domenica!

Beautiful sky, inspiring quotes.


wow! great days ahead. blue sky! i like.

Anil P
Speyer's quotation is so apt. The trees make the sky stand out.

Hi Pietro! Just a short visit to drop by and see this beautiful post with such wonderful quotes...

Blogtrotter is now at Santa’s Homeland, an anticipated gift before Christmas ;) Enjoy and have a great week!

These green branches look great against lovely blue sky! I simply love this green and blue contrast.

Tammie Lee
lovely images!