
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


26 October 2009

The cottage on the hill

Cottage in the town of Susa (503m, Piedmont)

Comments: 40

Wuao!!!... io andrei ad abitare in un posto così... dove il silezio e la pace regnano sovrani... dove sei a contatto diretto con il cielo e la terra... dove sei tu la natura e i tuoi pensieri.... che bello... che sogno...

Un abbraccio Pietro e buon inizio settimana.

condivido l'opinione di Gabry,
ma c'è un strdina per arrivarci????

ps: ieri ho fatto delle belle foto
torino al tramonto è molto suggestiva , tornerò.
ciao Pietro buon inizio settimana.

eh si un luogo x riprendersi!! bella!

Mike's Travels
Wow!! I'd love to spend a weekend retreat there :)

I wished I could be in this little cottage up there. It must be beautiful !

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: What a wonderful spot to place a cottage, the view is outstanding. You live in such a beautiful part of the world.

wow..view on top of the hill..

What a breathtaking location, Pietro.

Oh, what a wonderful view! A cottage located on the top of the hill! Someone really knows how to enjoy the life! Great photo, Pietro!
& what a beautiful cottage indeed! I can just imagine what their view is like!
Sorry I missed your skywatch Pietro, your photos & quotes are delightful.

The Blonde Duck
I'm guessing ya'll don't have tornados?

The Blonde Duck
I do actually dream of stories sometimes. And most of the time, they come to me at very odd moments in the day.

Photo Cache
that's the dream house! look at that view!!!

This is wonderful. Makes me think of all the ecclesiastical buildings you have photographed on such promontories. This is another point of view on life on the edge!

ciao Pietro. buona giornata

so beautiful...
would be lovely to spend some time there!

sonia a. mascaro
What a lovely cottage and I bet they have a gorgeous view from there! Just great picture, Pietro!

Thanks for the link to Leaves of Grass. I really appreciate the mention.

Have a nice week.

Louis la Vache
hmmmm..... It looks lonesome and windswept!

Pietro, check out «Louis's» new header - a panorama of the three Splendide! images.

Seeing it one wishes to spend there a nice relaxing weekend!

The Blonde Duck
I'm glad you liked my story! Thank goodness no tornados!

Il posto giusto per chi odia la solitudine...

Splendida nella sua naturalezza.

ciao Pietro, buona giornata ...

oggi giornata troppo piena di lavoro e varie....per cui fuggirei in questa casetta in cima al monte.

è un rifugio?
dove si trova?

that is fabulous.. looks like that house is on the top of the clouds....

Your post gave me a C-vitamine effect, Pietro:) Because living in a place like Istanbul that is always rush-rush-rush puts me far away from dreaming such cozy cottage views. Now this photo made me so serene and relaxing... after having a tired day:)

Oh one minute before flying back to Istanbul;)

I liked reading your comment about the post I did B&W and in color. However the hidden message is 'nature beauty of the colors' and 'let's give our appreciation because of so wonderful colored nature that we have'.

As simple as that, you see. I wanted everyone to have the feel the difference, and try to see what if the world could be so boring when in white and black.

Have a lovely merry happy week, scary Halloween:) More soon.

The Blonde Duck
The stingray was there!!

Hi Pietro!
I like this picture:)
I wish I stayed at this beautiful cottage and looked at wonserful scenery.
Probably it would be cold.
I gotta bring some warm clothes:)

What a magnificant shot!
I'd love to be up there taking in that view. You always find such interesting subjects to share with us.
I don't know if I've ever said it but I want you to know I appreciate all the wonderful comments you leave on my blog - thank you!

Ciao Pietro, buondì:-)
Ho visto che ti chiedono dove si trova la bella casetta in cima al monte, io ci abiterei per un pò di tempo, poi sentirei il richiamo della città e della confusione, però sarebbe un posto bellissimo per meditare e ne abbiamo bisogno in tanti.

it is really nice seeing that house on the top of the hill over and over

Come al solito hai superato te stesso, deliziosa la casetta sul cocuzzolo, da lì si può baciare la luna!
Buona serata, Pietro :-)

The Blonde Duck
She's there--she was on top of the bathtub and in the first crowd pic on the floor.

Not a bad place to put a cottage!

Stunningly beautiful capture!

I'd love to live there. Seriously.

Tammie Lee
dreamy place to live!

ciao buon fine settimana.


(sorry a little pessimistic here) I can't stop to think of all the leather items in that house getting mouldy due to heavy dew. hehehe

Wow! this one is gorgeous!!

I'd love to visit this house. The view from the house must be spectacular.


Exquisite, as long as you have a head for heights.