
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


2 July 2009

Sky Watch 3/7/2009

"The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office"
Robert Frost

Happy Sky Watch!

Comments: 39

Mike's Travels
Fantastic views, and I LOVE the quote. Happy weekend to you :)

Marie Reed
Hooray for bright and beautiful sunny days!

All your sky watch photos are great but the third is my favorite. The view is wonderful! The quote is great and it made me smile! :-)

Mariposa brain started working after i got home from the office once again ;)

all are very wonderful photos...thanks for sharing!

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Looks very familiar to me, lol !
I am back in Brussels and it is very hot here 32°C without air. On the northern side of the Garda lake it's always very windy that's why it is a surfers paradise and sailors too of course.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: Wonderful views of the mountains, you always capture them with beautiful skies. I will play a little later.

Unseen India Tours
Fantastic and lovely location !! The clouds are really beautiful..Great..Do check my another blog also i.e.Unseen Rajasthan

These are lovely!
While the mountain view is fabulous I love the green trees framing the blue sky.

My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

Those clouds are great performers! ;-)

Is this the view from the place where you live?

I made it to Schloss Hof today.
I almost melted in the heat,
but I got a few pictures of the palace. Tomorrow!

Sylvia K
Fantastic shots! Absolutely breathtaking! What an incredible view! And I love your quote!!

Jane Hards Photography
The Frost quote made me laugh. Why I no longer work in an office. This kind of scene is my workplace, free and beautiful.

Hi Pietro! Wonderful shots and a quote that is worth the whole week!! ;)

Blogtrotter is anticipating the 4th of July fireworks; but in a different country... ;) Have a great weekend (or vacation, should you have that chance...)!

Hi Pietro!
beautiful sky!
Happy sky watch!
Have a wonderful weekend:)

Buon fine settimana.

Such pretty mountains and sky!

Beautiful clear sky. Excellent.

I was on the other end of the Garda lake in Torbole besides Riva. There it is always very windy and much cooler because of the mountains. It's also famous for its international surf competitions.
I think everybody goes to Abano Terme, our friends there too. She just came back, lol !

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens
Blue summer skies over the mountains, peaceful, sentinels of freedom for ever.
The Teatro Regio is beautiful, love Operas, past and present. Great, interesting pictures.

Frost was right!

My brain slows and my heart takes over as I take in your photos and think of those trees softening those mountains. In time they will be hills, thanks to that beautiful process!

sonia a. mascaro
Pietro, your mountains and sky are fantastic, and I can only imagine how awesome it must have been in person! Really I would love to be there!
The quote is very witty and make me smile!

Sure, I know you always participate on Ecological Day with great pleasure and I am grateful for that. I hope you join us next month. I did not put Mister Linky because it has been showing many errors and this make me very stressed. (lol)

Have a nice weekend!

The clouds truly look like cotton, and I LOVE that quote at the end. HAHA! Hilarious! :D

Btw, thanks for asking about me - you are so sweet :) I am fine! Just not blogging on blogger much, but I am definitely dropping by my friends' posts and all!

Ciao Pietro, buon fine settimana.
E' piacevole per me vedere posti conosciuti,grazie.

Buongiorno Pietro, finalmente la mamma è ritornata a casa!!!

Un saluto e buon fine settimana!

Nihal the morning and does not stop until you get into the office"

Oh yes, difficulty at work, Pietro;) I understand very well what message this quote gives me.

Breathtaking views, that is blue that my soul finds relaxation for all the time. Have a wonderful weekend~

Beautiful skies and very funny quote. True. ;-)

Happy weekend!


ciao Pietro, grazie x il link.
Domani tempo permettendo vado in montagna
Ti auguro buona domenica

Great quote and lovely shots!

Lovely shots. Oh, to be free and flying over the mountains with the lovely blue above:)
your mountain skies are exquisite Pietro! thanks for sharing.

ciao Pietro, finalmente sono andata ad Ala di stura, bella giornata. ti auguro buon inizio settimana

wow che cielo! fosse in questi giorni così da me potrei andare in spiaggia!!!

buon inizio settimana


... e grazie per il consiglio del film... lo cerco in rete...

i wonder if the mountains from afar can be trekked. so great natural wonders.

The Blonde Duck
LOVE the Frost quote.

That quote made me laugh :)
Good photos, that mountain is starting to look familiar, an amazing frame for your beautiful skies!

Buongiorno Pietro, ho limitato le visite al blog perchè continuavo a ricevere commenti di cattivo gusto. ti ho inviato l'invito x entrare .

Lovely captures and a perfect quote too. :)

Light and Voices
Breath taking images of mountains and trees.