
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


19 March 2009

Sky Watch 20/3/2009

Turin, the Olympic Brazier 2006

Information about the Olympic Brazier 2006 in my previous post

Enjoy Sky Watch!

Comments: 35

Photo Cache
oh how wonderful. the blaze is pops against the blue sky.

The Blonde Duck
That is wicked cool!

Beautiful image!

Stupid question: Is the fire still burning?

What an AWESOME shot! I love this!

Jane Hards Photography
This is so powerful.

Sylvia K
Really gorgeous shot! Perfect image against that blue, blue sky! Thanks for sharing and Happy SWF!

Sally in WA
What a a great photo!
This is wonderful! Love this Pietro!

Volutes to protect the flame. It's a really interesting realization, Pietro.
The city of Nice wanted to participate for 2018. They made advertizing every where in streets, on tram ..... Finally, Nice candidacy wasn't accepted. They must be disappointed.

Amazing :)

Have a nice weekend :)

Beautiful cotrast with the sky!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: A beautiful capture of the tower and a reminder of the Winter Olympics you got to share with the world.


Hi Pietro!
This one is awesome! You know I can't resist the blue... ;)
The chapel is also a wonderful shot and the ski run is excellent!!

Meanwhile my India 2008 is coming to its end at Blogtrotter. I know you’re getting a bit tired, but there are still some marvels to come ;). Look forward to reading your comments! Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Tink *~*~*
What a wonderful capture - I just love the Olympics. For the whole time the Olympics are on TV, I'm just an Olympic junkie :)

Impressed with its 5+5 representation: 5 flames for a single Spirit, 5 as the symbol of the union btw the continents.
Wish this Olympic flame could be burning not only during the Opening Ceremony but everytime...
Mille grazie Pietro per l'informazione culturale, mi hai dato una notizia molto interessante.

CiaCiao a presto!

Is that what they look like upclose? Wow, terrific shot, Pietro!

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come back tomorrow!

A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman

Come sempre belle le tue foto Pietro e questa fiaccola che si staglia contro il cielo ne è la conferma, come a voler indicare che si può arrivare in alto, basta osare.

Buon fine settimana Pietro!

get zapped
Striking image. It blows me away.

That's really something. It makes me think of a light bulb! Great sky, Pietro.

How wonderful that you could go to the Olympics! I wanted to go to the winter Olympics in Salt Lake but even though it was close- it was a world away.
Very pretty picture.
Have a Happy First Day of Spring!

Pure art again. I'm ever so impressed. Couldn't help but scroll down and enjoy all your wonderful photographs on this blog. The mountain with autumn coloured trees became the overall favourite. That is like a symphony. A masterpeice of natures beauty.

Hi Pietro!
It's really beautiful!
by the way we're expecting olympics is held in Tokyo:)

Beautiful! I once dreamt of carrying the torch for that lol. :D

Not that I've ever seen anything less than an excellent photo on this blog, because I certainly have not, but the sky was really cooperating with you that day. I can't imagine any type of sky that would be better for this beautiful capture.

Impressive !!

Mike's Travels
Fantastic. I love that flame!!
This I Do...

sonia a. mascaro
Amazing picture, Pietro! The flame, the cloud and the blue sky are just fantastic!

Love you comment about the books on my blog.

Have a nice weekend.

Buongiorno Pietro e buon inizio settimana, finalmente è primavera e spero che lo sia anche nel tuo spirito!

Fantastic photo, Pietro! That flame looks great against that really lovely blue sky! This post reminded me to the Olympic flame during the Winter Olympics in Sarajevo back in 1984. :-)

that's a masterpiece. i really wish to attend the olympics (summer olympics. one day.

Oh wow... this is absolutely stunning against the deep rich blue sky... beautiful photograph!!
Mountain Retreat Photos

Müge Tekil
Une photo excellente cher Pietro! J'ai beaucoup aimé la flamme qui touche le nuage!


p.s. N’ayant plus accès à mon blog, j’ai dû créer un nouveau à l’adresse (plus d’infos là-bas)

Nicely captured! Nice nice nice ... clap clap!

Di Mackey