
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


15 March 2009

Lady Chapel at Savoulx (1100 m)

Lady Chapel at Savoulx

Comments: 27

So small, simple, and secluded. A perfect place to pray in.

Dio mio ! I am happy I don't have to climb up there !
It looks so lonely this little chapel !

buona domenica, Pietro

Wish I had my own chapel, very like this one. Have a blessed Sunday~

Une petite chapelle comme un refuge de montagne ! Dans sa simplicité, elle est touchante.
Certainement un lieu où il fait bon de recueillir, plus que dans une cathédrale envahie par les touristes.
Bon dimanche, Pietro.

That is beautiful! I would love to visit this chapel.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Happy weekend and come back tomorrow!

A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman

A special place for the devoted, who will make the climb. Very nice, Pietro.

What an amazing area to go up and spend some time with prayer... quite secluded indeed! It is a beautiful photo.

Hi again!
It's small pretty chapel!
Lady chapel means chapel that there are only sisters?

Foto suggestiva dove solo rimanendo ad ascoltare il silenzio è già una preghiera.

Buongiorno Pietro e buona settimana!

The Blonde Duck
I love how it's nestled among the trees!

So green! Radiating freshness. I wish I could be there!

ciao Pietro, buona serata

Beautiful photo with that small white chapel in the middle of lush greenery! Great place full of peace and silence!

Bonsoir Pietro,
Concerning Le Monde, it is published then sold in Paris at 13h with the date of the following day. Maybe, they immediately send in European big cities. So newspapers arrive in Torino in the afternoon with the following date too.
Otherwise, Le Figaro, its conservative competitor, is published in the early morning, as the others.
** no need to publish this comment since it doesn't concern your post***
Bonne semaine, Pietro.
So perfectly idyllic, I wish I lived there!

I don't know why but since 3 years I am up between 5 and 6 fresh like a rose ! That's when I have the best ideas. I don't need that much sleep anymore. When I worked I wanted to sleep until noon, now I could and I don't, lol !

Small, simple but lovely!

sonia a. mascaro
Just beautiful the Lady Chapel! So small, simple, but lovely! And what a gorgeous green all around.

Thanks for your comment on the post about Desire. Love so much when I see your name on comments!

Have a good week as well.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: I love the little chapel on the hill. I would love to see that with my own eyes.

What a sanctuary that would be!
Love the shot!

Photo Cache
that chapel is at the perfect location for those seeking spiritual solace.


What a place! I want to hike up and get a closer look!

isolation! perfect for a silent retreat. i wonder how beautiful the view from the top.

Buongiorno Pietro, un saluto ed sorriso per una buona giornata!

Ciao Pietro,
C'e' una bella sorpresa per te. Spero di vederti presto nel mio blog.

Augurandoti una buona giornata~