
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


2 November 2008

Ecological Day 2/11/2008

"Mountains are the beginning and the end of every natural scenery"
John Ruskin

Ecological Day is hosted by Sonia at Leaves of Grass

Comments: 29

sonia a. mascaro
What a wonderful picture, Pietro! Those mountain and the luxuriant and colorful vegetation transmits the power and the beauty of Nature!
Thanks for your participation with this beautiful photo as always!

Have a nice Sunday and week ahead!

sonia a. mascaro
Pietro, I forgot to say that I love the quote of John Ruskin!

A beautiful picture and a beautiful quote.. although it doesn't apply here I am afraid.
A lot of this land started with clay that stayed after a flood. Then the people put dykes between the water and the land to prevent it from flooding again.
But maybe that is where the word "natural" scenery comes in...

I had another look around here and I admired your sketches very much. But you haven't posted new ones in a long time! Why?

Beautiful scenery, well-captured, as well as a fitting quote to go with it!

Perfect for Ecologial Day (which I'm skipping this month due to being so far behind on blogging).

ciao Pietro, che fotografia rilassante

Quelle belle photo !
Immense, avec de jolies couleurs...

sonia a. mascaro
Loved your sidebar with beautiful videos! It was a pleasure to hear those music, principally Chopin that I LOVE so much. My mother used to play Chopin very well.
And thank you for the mention to the Award and the link to my page.

Luci Lacey

An impressive beauty, silences the soul.

Happy Ecological Day.

Breathtaking with the fall colors and snow.

Those mountains are gorgeous. I like the way the hills in the foreground foreshadow the mountains' future Beautiful, Pietro.

Hi Pietro!
this picture is also beautiful!
Is it already cold in Italy?
in Tokyo recently it's cold!
Do you snowboard?
I'm a snowboarder!
So I'm looking forward to going snowboarding:)

Só- Poesias e outros itens
bello, molto bello.

JU Gioli

Splendid!! Magnificent... Your mountains are beautiful!
I am in awe!

a photo that represents the seasons! very scenic and picturesque.


Hi Pietro! Your painting pictures are stunning!!
Have a great week!

Pietro, that is just awesome! Love the mountain.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comments.

A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman

This is great perspective and wonderful view of vegetation painted in autumn colours and of those mountains patched with snow and all that under the lovely blue sky! Just wonderful photo!

Your picture has something of magnificient, Pietro. You're a Nature lover.
The John Ruskin's quote sums up your post. That's a great choice. I love appropriated quotes.
I particularly appreciate the autumn colors so warm and welcoming.

God surely has a wonderful view! Glad he shared it to us and you showed it here!

Hi Pietro! Many thanks for the good wishes.
Wow! The Autumn color is so very pretty! You live in a beautiful place!

So unusual: green forests and snow )))Great shot!

sonia a. mascaro
Hi Pietro,
Thanks for your visiting and nice comment. Would be great if you could join me on this bench on the shadow of the cedars.

Have a very nice weekend!

This IS a wonderful photo and a wonderful quote. I have an award for you on my blog. Please stop by when you have a chance.


Louis la Vache
"Louis" got a feeling of serenity when seeing this image. Very relaxing.

beautiful =) (Adelynne recommended your page)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: Your country is so beautiful and you capture it wonderfully.

Christine Mercer-Vernon
pietro, you have the most beautiful images here on your blog! thank you for visiting mine.