Delightful post! That's the tallest scarecrow I've ever seen. Really like the last photo's colors. Looks like you're having lovely weather too! Happy weekend, Pietro.
Le tue foto variopinte mi trasmettono allegria e sorriso. Amo gli spaventapasseri:))Peccato che ce ne si vedano poche ma loro ti ritrovano! Un caro saluto e baci
Hi Pietro! Sorry for the absence, but these last two months have been rather nasty! My mother (90) was in hospital for more than three weeks and the post-surgery was hard! My father (94) seemed to be an orphan while my mother was out and felt into some kind of depression... The economy is a disaster and the media only bring bad news... The € Euro is rescued every day, only to be known that it needs to be rescued again and again next morning... What else? Well, maybe «Midnight in Paris»... The problem is that the Gil there is a different one... ;)
Amazing shots!!
Blogtrotter Two wanders currently around pre-historical Corsica, where it seems all this will be leading to... ;) Enjoy and have a wonderful week ahead!
Ciao Pietro:-) Ieri è stata una giornata ricca, la S.Messa, il compleanno del mio 3°ed unico marito;-) e tanta allegria con il piccolo Zucchero e la mamma:-) Ti auguro un buon mercoledì, anche se grigio fuori..adesso scendo e faccio 4 chiacchiere con gli amici dei cani:-)
Ciao Pietro, ti auguro un bel fine settimana, anche se piove, sai questo tempo invoglia a stare in casa a fare 4 chiacchiere con gli amici:-) Un cordiale saluto
Comments: 28
I'm glad to see all it dry and clean and tidy around you.
So sad to see the flooding in Italy.
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
Buon fine settimana.
Un abbraccio e buon week-end!
Take care
Happy weekend, Pietro.
Un caro saluto e baci
how have you been? happy autumn.
Amazing shots!!
Blogtrotter Two wanders currently around pre-historical Corsica, where it seems all this will be leading to... ;) Enjoy and have a wonderful week ahead!
Great photos, Pietro.
Have a nice week ahead.
Thanks for sharing. Anna :)
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Many hugs!