
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


13 May 2010

Sky Watch 14/5/2010

Happy Sky Watch

Comments: 37

Sylvia K
Incredible skies and clouds and mountains!! Your photos are stunning and dramatic, Pietro! What wonderful shots for the day! Wishing you a lovely weekend! Enjoy!


Sallie (FullTime-Life)
Love the snowy mountain in the background with the blue blue sky!

Another amazing skies above the mountains.
Great captures Pietro.
Happy weekend ahead.

Delightful images, Pietro. What an incredible sky. I wish I could fly!

Photo Cache
the clouds kisses the mountains, what a gorgeous sight to behold.

i posted my skywatch at

Kim, USA
Very beautiful photos. Like the close up shots! Happy weekend!


Hi Pietro,
I've been away from blogging and visiting for awhile. These are beautiful shots that I'm glad I didn't miss!
Love the tulip shots below as well and the greenery. :

Beautiful shots. Lovely puffy clouds.

i really envy you for seeing those snow caps. i wish that even our highest peak should have those.


Bellissime queste nuvole bianche somiglianti ad enormi batuffoli di candido cotone... qui anche ci sono, però sono di un grigiore quasi spettrale... mi sa tanto che ci aspetta un ennesimo fine settimana carico di acqua....uffa....
Un abbraccio Pietro e buona giornata!

Amnazing natural beauty! The sight is of the clouds embracing the mountains look really awesome!

Pixellicious Photos

These photos give a real sense of swirling temperamental clouds - stunning!

Beautiful mountains and sights!!

skywatch in Valencia

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens
The still snow covered mountains like snatched from the clouds. My father would have liked your pictures. He loved the mountains and took me to many peaks. It was a time when one had to walk all the way with food and water and sometimes sleep in a hut! It was better than the Ritz!

sonia a. mascaro
Fantastic photos, Pietro!
Sky and clouds, the perfect couple!

Have a nice weekend!

Qui invece la pioggia ci accompagnerà anche domani.... un abbraccio Pietro e buon weekend!

ciao Pietro, buon weekend

Very impressive clouds !

I didn't use any photo tricks, I just put two photos of half cats together, lol. You can do that with Picasa or HP, nothing complicated.

Ciao Pietro, mi sembra di camminare tra le nuvole qui da te, il che mi rende felice:-)Buon sabato:-) e visto che ti abbracciano tutti ti abbraccio anch'io...sono virtualmente timida:-)

It seems that your sky is very similar to Norwich's. How do you manage to get that high up?

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Enjoy your Saturday!

sonia a. mascaro
Thank you Pietro for your nice congratulations to my first grandson Daniel.
Have a nice weekend.

Epoustouflant ! A ôter le souffle.
Tu bénéficie de paysages assez extraordinaires, Piétro.
Bon dimanche.

Hi Pietro!
Is this Alpine mountains?
Did you climb the mountain?
It's so spectacular!
Have a lovely week, Pietro.
night night:)

Those clouds left rain in your area, Pietro? I like the upper sky & mountains' pictures as it's rare something for me to see in my town.
One little question.. Did your sales of sony pc resulted in the way you wished for? If not, did you try e-bay? It's the best place, you know.
Buona settimana nuova.

Short Poems
Utterly Amazing shots Pietro!
Its only with photos like this that you realize how beautiful ans full of wonder the world we live in is.
Thank you for supporting me.
And i LOVE your blog!
Keep it up!

Buongiorno Pietro...finalmente la giornata di ieri nonostante la pioggia è passata... oggi si intravede un pò di cielo azzurro ma ci sono ancora tantissime nuvole grigie ... spero sono che non faccia tanta acqua come ieri....

Un abbraccio e buon inizio settimana!

Buon lunedi, hai visto che bella giornata ieri? Ma anche oggi:-) Bè, basta chiedere, soffio di vento, nuvole mandate via e voilà il gioco è fatto:-)

The Blonde Duck
I love the clouds!

Simply awesome.

Best Wishes Ram

Skywatch Team
Very nice Pietro and thanks for being a part of Skywatch!

To respond to your comment on Skywatch:

The Skywatch Main Page stays up from Thursday 19:30 GMT to the following Thursday morning - so all entries are shown all week long! :)

This is another impressive post! These photos are amazing. What a wonderful view of the mountains and those white clouds!

Tammie Lee
so beautiful!

Unseen India Tours
Beautiful,lovely and fantastic shots !!Simply beautiful !

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: Beautiful view of the sky over the mountain.

Incredible mountains and clouds!!

Louis la Vache
«Louis» realizes this is an older post - but what superb Sky Watch images these are, Pietro!