
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


May 6, 2010

Monviso mountain in the grand sky

Happy Sky Watch

Comments: 40

Sylvia K
What an incredible capture, Pietro! I really love the combination of dark and light clouds along with blue skies. And the mountains are beautiful! Hope you have wonderful weekend!


Mike's Travels
That is completely stunning!!!

Grand sky, indeed & that mountain is AWESOME!!! Love it Love it!

Photo Cache
What a fine capture. Those clouds look ominous.

When did our sky get to be so
b-i-g? This is an amazing capture with so many beautiful layers. Nice work, Pietro.
p.s. When his Pope Benedict due in Turin? How exciting!

Spectacular shot. Part sunny and grey sky above the mountains is beautiful.

A beautiful shot--real and tangible yet exquisitely surreal.

Great the way the band of light intensifies the starkness of the mountain peaks. Lovely.

i like the peak at its center. amazing view. i never tried climbing a rocky mountain.

Pietro è bellissima!!! Amo tanto questa montagna un pò particolare che si riconosce da lontano per la sua punta:-) Buona giornata ed un cordiale saluto:-)
ps. penso che stare "in ritiro spirituale" serva a diventare più "grandi e forti", ma lo sopporterei per un periodo breve:-)

E sull'orizzonte increspato di montagne svetta il Monviso con la sua particolare forma a punta... bellissima foto Pietro!

Un saluto e buon week-end anche se questa primavera continua a fare i capricci.

Un abbraccio!

The weight of the clouds over the mountains is so interesting...the opposite of how we think of earth and air.

Wow looks like I can touch the clouds.
Amazing capture Pietro.

Have wonderful weekend.

La tête dan sles nuages, Piétro ! Mais à quelle hauteur te trouvais-tu ? Une illusion d'optique me fait penser que tu étais dans l'alignement des montagnes.

Peu importe.....C'est spendide ! Véritablement. Une photo comme chacun de nous rêve de faire....

sonia a. mascaro
What a fantastic and stunning photo, Pietro! Just breathtaking!

Have a nice weekend!

Hi Pietro!
Your picture is fabulous!!!
Is it a real picture?
it's like pictures that somebody drew.
Oh, it's so beautiful.
I really like it!!!!
Is this wonderful, or what?

Quelle vue magnifique tu as Piétro ! Quelle source d'inspiration ou de méditation ! De quoi rêver.

Buona domenica, per adesso speriamo che il sabato migliori:-)

The sun just coming across the mountains like the sun is waking up. There is some dark in the sky which speaks of possible surprise weather later. Very lovely picture.

This is absolutely stunning! What a beautiful capture.

Short Poems
Hi Pietro!
That is simply amazing, I love it :)
Have a nice weekend!
Marinela x

Spettacolare cima...quella nube nera non promette nulla di buono...andrà ad esaurirsi sulla nostra pianura...forse.
Buona giornata a te, Pietro :-)

Unseen Rajasthan
Beautiful,lovely and fantastic series of amazing shots !! Great post !!Unseen Rajasthan

Wow ! that's a real wonderful picture ! Just wished I could see it life !

Ciao Pietro,
How was your past Sunday? Did you see the Pope? And, ashes back again, the news said. Torino as one of the air spaces closed. How is it your sky now? Can you feel any difference when breathing/viewing around?

Oh superb shot! In city center I am really far away from such scenes, and miss a lot coming closer to those highlands.

Hope you'll have a great week -w/o ashes of course:)

Ciao Pietro, buon inizio settimana. Sai, 40 anni fa ci perdemmo nelle grotte di Crissolo, un pò di paura ed incoscienza dettate dalla giovinezza:-)Un cordiale buongiorno.

Buongiorno Pietro e buona nuova settimana... grazie per aver lasciato nei miei commenti le parole di quella canzone di altri tempi che racchiude tutto l'amore verso le nostre mamme.

Un abbraccio!

breathtaking capture!!

Ciao Pietro! What a fabulous masterpiece!!

The Ephesus Masterpieces are at Blogtrotter Two for you to enjoy; I’m sure you’ll be impressed!! Have a great week!!

That is such a lovely view. How high did you have to go to take that shot, Pietro?

Norwich Daily Photo is back online. Sorry I've been away so long. I look forward to your visit and your comments. See you soon!

THIS is a sight to behold. Beautiful!


Beautiful view, I love it.
Anna :)

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens
Hi Pietro, thank you for your visit.
This is such a beautiful picture, love how the sun is elbowing away the clouds from the mountains. Something is looming there, rain or snow!
I had also a look at your earlier posts. The shroud of Turin is a controversial subject. I am a skeptic by nature but if it gives people comfort to believe, that is fine with me. Anyway it is an interesting concept.
Spring in Italy is so GREEN!
Beautiful, elegant Tulips, great macro shot. The quotes of thinkers;so true.
The snow cannons like blue and yellow monsters. Great memories flood back when I see the skiing crowd. Anyway dear Pietro I was looking for the small starflowers, unfortunately I have not found them, they might not have come up.
Have a very nice week. T

awesome! awesome view.

The Blonde Duck
I must admit, I liked the pralines better than the beignets!

Luma Rosa
Opposites complement this picture! The hardness of the Rocky Mountains with the softness of clouds, the sky's brightness and darkness of the woods! He was very happy to find this painting of gods in front and have the chance to record it! Beijus,

Ciao Pietro, buon giovedi, in attesa di un pò di luce:-)
Tutto ha un altro sapore quando si ha l'età della scoperta:-) Ero e sono una scugnizza per cui quelli che mi fecero perdere non la passarono liscia, penso ricordino ancora le mie ingiurie:-))però mi perdonarono,perchè grazie al mio accendino trovammo (dopo ore angoscianti) lo spiraglio:-) Mai perdere la speranza, oggi più che buò, ti ho scritto come un fiume in piena:-)
hej Pietro,

Very strong shot...with an excellent contrast between the dark clouds and the light on the mountain...

Inspiringly beautiful!

Wow Pietro, this photo is outstanding!