
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


27 March 2010

Monument to Carlo Alberto

Turin - In the Piazza Carlo Alberto there is the equestrian statue of Carlo Alberto by Carlo Marocchetti, 1861.

Comments: 29

I love horses and this statue is beautiful, so detailed.

Have a blessed Holy Week, Pietro.

Grazie Pietro per farci conoscere, con le tue immagini, particolari della città di Torino con questa bellissima statua equestre dedicata a
Carlo Alberto.

Un saluto e buon week-end!

sonia a. mascaro
Very impressive this equestrian statue, Pietro. Love so much these two buildings and its wonderful architecture.

Have a nice weekend.

Hi Pietro!
Did you watch figure skater in Turin?
when I watched it, I remember you!
Have a happy weekend!

Mike's Travels
Nice detailed piece!

great sculpture! spring coming....

A sleek and elegant work of art, my friend.

buona domenica Pietro!!!

Ciao Pietro questa statua mi fa venire un pò in mente quelle di piazza Plebiscito a Napoli: sono tutte maestose!!
Buona domenica con sole:-)

i like how you included the two nice structure in the background. it adds quality to this shot.
such a nice composition Pietro, you have the artistic eye. & I love this statue.

Louis la Vache
Nicely framed, Pietro.

«Louis» thanks you for the technical tip!

Buongiorno Pietro e buon inizio settimana!

brilliantly composed and shot!

Hello Pietro. Such an excellent framing and capture. Love the clear sky!
A blessed Holy Week.

Impressive statue, two beautiful buildings in the background and lovely blue sky; all this is faramed in really wonderful photo!

The Blonde Duck
He's so proud!

There was a problem at Blogger today. I think it is fixed.

Sylvia K
What a beautiful capture of a magnificent statue, Pietro! Marvelous composition and such beautiful blue skies! Hope your week is going well!


Ciao Pietro, non parliamo di tempo perchè sono in attesa anch'io in un miglioramento, l'unica cosa positiva è che nel cortile-giardino sono nate le violette e le rose sono in pieno germoglio:-) Ti auguro un buon martedi, vorrei avere la possibilità di dipingere un pò decentemente, ma ci ho rinunciato, mi vengono fuori maschere africane:-)..sono improvvisazioni orrende, ho lasciato perdere (per ora) e mi sono dedicata a qualcosa che mi riesce sempre bene: la cucina,ahahah (a costo di sembrare materialista) :-)

Photo Cache
What a lovely sculpture. And an equally lovely day to photograph it.

Happy Easter.

Louis la Vache
is this Carlo Alberto of Sardinia?

Is this statue in reference to his role in the First Italian War of Independence? Battle of Santa Lucia?

Hi Pietro! The picture is excellent; crystal clear against that gorgeous blue sky!!

The Mayan ruins of Tulum are at Blogtrotter 2 for you to enjoy. Have a great week!!

An impressive equestrian statue with very detailed lines.
Happy Easter.

Lovely! I love the view of the Alps in one of your recent posts! You don't get a view like that in Austria!
I really love it!

The Blonde Duck
I think Easter is my favorite holiday. I love spring!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: Really neat statue, so historic.

Carlo Alberto a "garé" son cheval entre 2 immeubles.
Bel angle, Pietro !

I find it very curious that continental Europe has many statues such as this one. Great shot against the blue sky.

Norwich Daily Photo