The Sanctuary of Consolata, known simply as La Consolata, is one of Turin's most splendid example of the baroque. The Sanctuary dates back to Guarini and Juvarra (centuries XVII-XVIII) and in 1906 became papal basilica by the Pope Pio X. The worship of Saint Mary the Consoler dates back to the 4th century but received great impulse in 1104, when, on 20th June, the blind Jean Ravais, coming from Briançon after a vision, found the effigy of Consolata got lost and simultaneously recovered the sight. From then on the worship of Consolata has never been interrupted.
The superior altar, inaugurated in 1714, is due to Juvarra. In the middle, displayed among a series of angels, the Byzantine-inspired picture of Consolata.
The superior altar, inaugurated in 1714, is due to Juvarra. In the middle, displayed among a series of angels, the Byzantine-inspired picture of Consolata.

Comments: 29
Let's hope there will be more healings and miracles there.
vieni a vedere come era bella la mia" dora"
buon lunedi,come andata la tua escursione in montagna?
L'arte barocca anche se pesante è bella per la sua teatralità, per i suoi grandiosi effetti e per la magnificenza di tuto il suo insieme.
Un saluto Pietro e buon inizio settimana!
Buon inizio settimana :-)
The superior altar and all those frescos are really gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.
Have a lovely week ahead.
Bhojeshwar Temple, Bhojpur
della Madonna creano un magnifico contrasto.
Splendido ed interessante post!
In my 'visual' opinion, Torino should be the baroque capital not only capital of the automotive industry. After your great article of this, I made up my final decision:)
Being a big fan of baroque art and architecture, I would love to see this imposing church. Mille mercis for so wonderful photos, that help me imagine a bit.
All the best~
Un caro saluto.
A smile from SJ =)
la mia un po meno ho un attacco di sciatica
As «Louis» commented on another blog, as we've advanced our technology, we seem to have lost our ability to make things beautiful.
Blogtrotter just finished Bilbao 2008. Enjoy and have a great weekend!