
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


16 July 2009

Sky Watch 17/7/2009

"The shifts of Fortune test the reliability of friends"
Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC), De Amicitia

Happy Sky Watch!

Comments: 53

Mike's Travels
Beautiful stray clouds. Happy weekend to you!


Pietro. queste meravigliose alture...sono in attesa per domani del vento dell'est che ci porterà un pò di frescura...
Complimenti per queste immagini.
Buona serata

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: I do so much love your mountains and wonderful skies.

Sylvia K
You do capture the beauty, Pietro! Fantastic shots! I love both of them!
Have a great weekend!

Nikki Dee
Beautiful! I love the clouds touching the mountains!

Please stop by My Skywatch

Jane Hards Photography
They do look like puffs of smoke wafting over the mountain as clouds. Lovely vistas.

Tara R.
Love the clouds hugging the mountains. Florida is much too flat, I miss mountains.

Eric(SWF Holland)
WOW, what a great place to take pictures, well done, love the cloudsetting, the blue color of the sky and the area!!!!

I am jalours about the landscape, very nice!!!

Have a great SWF

Greatings from NL

Müge Tekil
Very nice photos dear Pietro! Someone who was at the top of those hills could even touch those clouds! :-)) Have a great weekend! Ciao!

I'd love to hitchhike on one of those clouds and tour the mountains!
Beautiful sights!

My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

Lovely shot of the sky coming down to touch the mountains.

sonia a. mascaro
Absolutely brethtaking photos, Pietro! It's amazing that the clouds are just touching the mountains!

Have a nice day!

PS: I don't know why, but my SkyWatch post delay to update...

Very cool the way the clouds are coming down to kiss the mountains...

Wonderful capture..

Sometimes I have to take a few moments to collect myself and realize how much landscape and sky you take in with your photos. Utterly amazing.
I wish I was there to see this in person, this is so very beautiful Pietro!

Tammie Lee
Gorgeous landscapes. Wonderful mountains.

Belle..sì, ci ho messo un pò di tempo..poi ho cominciato ad amarle..buon fine settimana Pietro.
Il mare che dà ottimismo è una spiaggia di Cuba, grazie.

id love to fly over those mountains!

Ah ! these look like "my" mountains !! with fluffy clouds as a crown !

Pietro ma anche li, su quelle stupende montagne fa caldo???!!!
... spero proprio di no almeno così con il pensiero sono li... proprio su quella vetta che si staglia nel cielo...

Un saluto e buon fine settimana!

Ps-La mamma ieri per fortuna è stata decisamente meglio, questa notte solo un pochino agitata ...spero che arrivi presto un pò di fresco e vada via quest'afa opprimente.

ciao Pietro, buon fine settimana

FO - 2
Majestic and beautiful mountains and landscape.
Great shots!

Happy weekend! :)

Amazing mountain photos! The way the clouds just gingerly sweep the tops is ideal for photo shoots such as this...
Beautiful pictures! You are a master!

Amazing skies!


Very beautiful mountain shots!

Hi Pietro
This is simply magnificent - the mountain peaks kissing the fluffy clouds !


Cicero is great author to describe the friendship. Yes, it makes prosperity more shining and lessens adversity by dividing and sharing it:)
FYI, from today I am taking some free time on my own vacationing and enjoying the summer, Pietro. Would like to express my best wishes for a happy summer to you, too.
Until then.

Lazy clouds, carpeted foothills and those giant mountains--wonderful! Very nicely done.
Happy Friday!

The Blonde Duck

Those clouds looks as if you called them there. They don't seem natural with the rest of the sky. Beautiful they are.

Hi Pietro!
What a fantastic picture!
I like the color of the blue sky.
In Japane it's really hot now.
Probably it's hotter than last year!

HI Pietro, I'm new to your blog... Just passed by and I like it... Nice pics... Which location is this...???

Do drop into my blog when time permits

Ciao Pietro, buon fine settimana, visto che fa freschetto se vai tra i monti ti ci vorrà un bel maglione:-)

What heavenly beautiful photos! The high beautiful mountains and the lovely clouds and sky! Which country are you from? I cannot find here.. :)

Hi again! My blog is unfortunately in English, but I have "he google transator", but with that translator it won't be quite easy to understand, hehe..
My SkyWatch post is

Hi Pietro,
Thanks for dropping by and commenting in my blog...
Yup, rice accompanies it or rather, this accompanies rice.. :)
And, do visit my blog regularly... I would love your visits and comments... :)

My Travelogue

Glorious landscape with wonderful blue sky and puffy clouds!! Very nice!

Buona domenica Pietro!

PS-la mamma sta decisamente meglio, rimane un'unico problema... di giorno sta abbastanza tranquilla e sonnecchia, la notte dorme pochissimo e si agita parecchio... insomma ha scambiato il giorno con la notte... evvai ....ahahahah!!!!

Aih me Pietro!!! io predico bene e razzolo male... non sono per nulla vegetariana....

Un abbraccio!

Beautiful! It looks like you were climbing when you took the photo, very high up. That must be a wonderful walk.

buon unizio settimana Pietro.

Ciao Pietro, buon lunedi.

Buongiorno Pietro e buon inizio di questa nuova settimana di Luglio!

Unseen India Tours
Beautiful location and lovely clouds !! This is what i call as real photography !! Unseen Rajasthan

Marie Reed
Pietro! Your new blog background is just delightful! It's so eye catching!

Ciao Pietro ti auguro una buona giornata..stamattina devo fare un giro "forzato" in centro, ne approfitterò e mi farò rapire dalla bellezza un pò austera, sobria e ricca di questa bellissima città, soloni....permettendo:-)

visiting this great blog with great esp.. that geranium..

me and my bvlogs are following you now!
Euro Travel
Explore Germany
Discover USA
Euroangel Graffiti

Hi Pietro, thank you for your visit! How beautiful your mountains are! Have a nice weekend ahead!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens
The lightly shifting clouds give a distinct feeling to this beautiful,ageless landscape, the contrails piercing the blue speak a different language. In the two pictures speaks a whole world
Ciceros words might still ring true for some!

Louis la Vache

WOW! These are awesome! Wonderful pictures!