
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


14 May 2009

Sky Watch 15/5/2009

Rocher Charnier (3067m, Val di Susa, Piedmont, Italy)

Happy Sky Watch!

Comments: 45

Three thousand meters, snow, crisp air. That's my kind of mountain!
The sky isn't so bad either. :)

Stupenda questa foto Pietro...già sento i miei polmoni riempirsi di aria pura e frizzantina mentre sono li ad ammirare il cielo ovattato di bianche nubi.

Un saluto e buona giornata!

What a wonderful view! Those blue mountain peaks covered with white snow and those white puffy clouds that floating above but under the lovely blue sky makes the photo just spectacular.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: That is a wonderful view of the mountains of Italy. Those were neat clouds and sky over the blue mountains.

Glad to see you joined into Sky Watch. We start sign-up later in the day.

Mike's Travels
Stunning Pietro!

Cette atmosphère bleue ouvre la porte au rêve, cela semble tellement irréel.
On accède à de belles images sur le toit du monde. Mais où étais tu pour prendre une telle photo ? En face à 3000m aussi ?

Stunningly beautiful sky over your place. And the snow covered mountains too. :)

This photo is fantastic, Pietro! Love the blue sky.

Thank you for your patience and for bearing with the technical problems on the website. Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come back tomorrow for more of the Keukenhof series!

A Pinay In EnglandYour Love CoachI, Woman

This photo is fantastic, Pietro! Love the blue sky.

Thank you for your patience and for bearing with the technical problems on the website. Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come back tomorrow for more of the Keukenhof series!

A Pinay In EnglandYour Love CoachI, Woman


Wonderfully bright blue sky, lovely clear shot of the mountains thanks for sharing:)

Guy D
That is postcard material, awesome photo.

Have a great week
Regina In Pictures

Jane Hards Photography
The white is so vibrant and dazzling.

Large heavy clouds, beautiful sky picture!

What a picture. Perfect!!!

Is that the same peek as in the post below?

J. Andrew Lockhart
This is incredible! Oh my Pietro I think you live in paradise!

Beautiful !!

What a great shot !!

Shalom Pietro. Thanks for your visits to JHDP. I always enjoy so much the wisdom and humor of your comments. Sorry I am often not prompt in answering my dear readers' comments.
I do love "the smells and bells" and the drama of the Catholic Church. But as far as my joining up, well, "don't hold your breath." :)
Guess I could have called them "invitations" to the Mass. I am used to saying tickets from when I lived in USA. There, on Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashana many Jews who never attend services come to pray. There is never enough room for them all. So the synagogues actually sell tickets to these non-dues-paying non-members of the congregation for a seat. Sometimes for hundreds of dollars.
My seeing Pope Benedict for free was a blessing. :)

Wow ! what a sky over these snow covered mountains ! Just beautiful !
Good morning btw, lol !

A great shot, were you wearing Icarus wings to get that?

Müge Tekil
Oh this is a breathtaking photo dear Pietro! Excellent!

Buon fine settimana + pioggia per tutti (che barbis):-(, belle foto, complimenti.

sonia a. mascaro
Wow! Wonderful! Stunning photo, Pietro!

PS: I did not had the time to translate my current post, "The Fascination for a Desert Island". I did a translation and sent it to my friend Naomi. If you would like to have it, please, send me your e-mail.
Have a nice day!

The Blonde Duck
Gorgeous! Reminds me of the Rockies here!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Mi vedi Pietro?...sono quel puntino lassù che ti faccio ciao con la manina per augurarti un buon fine settimana!

That is a study in blue. Beautiful, Pietro. Just gorgeous.

this is breathtaking!


Pietro, buon fine settimana, speriamo nel sole....

I think I would die of cold there ;)

Btw, I'm sorry I haven't been around for so long, Pietro! But I'm back. Good to see you still blogging! :)

Buon fine settimana con un sole montagna sarà bello? Speriamo.

Awe inspiring shot! I can feel the cold wind and glaring sun through the cloud breaks! :)

Awe inspiring shot! I can feel the cold wind and glaring sun through the cloud breaks! :)

Oh nice!!! What a wonderful view! I can feel the cool fresh air from here. I love the shadows that the clouds have cast on the mountain peaks, so beautiful!!

I am sorry I haven't been around your blog in a bit... I will roam around to see what has been going on.


sonia a. mascaro
It was my pleasure sent to you the translation. Thanks for the nice answer!
Have a lovely Sunday!

sonia a. mascaro
Just beautiful listen Irena Koblar, Chopin, Etude Op.25 No.2. Thank you!

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Oooo what a panorama unpolluted rare beauty with a gorgeous mountain scenery! I like Susa Valley very much.

Hope you are having Buona Domenica, Pietro:)

Buongiorno e buona settimana Pietro!

Pietro, I think it is time for more pictures like this.....

Buon pomeriggio e inizio settimana, ho sentito che ieri in montagna l'aria era frizzantina e città è stata una giornata molto afosa.

that is GORGEOUS~!!
thanks for linking Doodle Dibbitz in your blogroll :) I've added your link in my other blog, Between4ears. :)

astonishing! beautifully captured pietro. the white of the clouds meets the white of the snow.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: I'm so glad you joined in, you got some new fans for sure.