
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


18 May 2009

Sundial 4

Sundial of a house in the village of Bardonecchia (1312m, Val di Susa, Piedmont)

Comments: 30
Yay! I am the first one! I love your sundial shots Pietro! this is a real lovely work of art. You have such a nice eye for all things beautiful.

Bellissima questa meridiana Pietro è veramente particolare, noi cittadini non siamo più abituati a vedere delle meraviglie del genere vicino ai muri dei palazzi.... ben altro vediamo disegnato sui muri delle nostre città...ahahah!!!

Un saluto Pietro e buona serata.

Interesting shot and angle. Great colours...

The Blonde Duck
Is that on the wall or floor?

Was it really 11:00?

I love it, Pietro! It is so pretty. I'd love to have that in my garden.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come back tomorrow for the last photo in the Keukenhof series!

A Pinay In EnglandYour Love CoachI, Woman

Oh this is truly magnificent! I am in awe of this beautiful sundial!

interesting! :)
thanks for commenting on my other blog. have a great week ahead!

Amazing, how people timed themselves without the help of technology those days. Lovely!

one of the most beautiful sundial that ive seen. it's so old but elegant.

Looks beautiful, but a little difficult for me to read, lol !

Marie Reed
You know that I love your sundia series! You have such a great eye Pietro!

Ciao, te lo dico in napoletano? So' senza parol':-)Ci ho provato, tranne errori ed omissioni... Complimenti, buon martedì.

Mike's Travels
Beautiful...I like the colours :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: It is wonderful to see how intelegent the people of older times were. Very nise capture of the clock.

sonia a. mascaro
What a beautiful sundial, Pietro. It looks an amazing antiquity.

Beautiful! But... no inscription?!

Somptueux et raffiné, Piétro ! Certainemant un des plus beaux que j'ai vu.
J'espère que les habitants en prendront grand soin, et qu'il replira sa fonction pour de nombreuses années.
J'aime beaucoup ce socle en trompe-l'oeil. on croirait une mappe monde.
J'imagine ta satisfaction quand tu l'as decouvert. Un beau cadeau du temps qui passe.

The Blonde Duck
Thanks for answering my question! I think it's so cool they're accurate!

sonia a. mascaro
Pietro, that is amazing! I thought this sundial did not has only the artistic side. Just great!
Have a nice day too!

Hi Pietro! Sorry for the absence, but I’ve been busy with my parents’ health; almost 180 years to care... ;)
Wonderful sundial! It also shows the time José Mourinho won his first scudetto... ;)))

Blogtrotter is showing the new Vilnius as well as the old University. Hope you enjoy and have a great week!

Un saluto all'amico Pietro che mi lascia sempre dei bei pensieri!

Buona giornata!

mi piacciono i colori pastello baciati dal sole che hai trovato nel fotografare la meridiana! bella foto!! congrats!

That's beautiful. I like the earthy colors and the ornate framing. Beautiful!

The Blonde Duck
I acutally make burgers at home--healthier and tastier!

Ciao Pietro, ti auguro una buona giornata e complimenti sinceri.

Qui da noi sarà introdotto a settembre ed io solo al pensiero tremo .... immagino mia madre 89 anni con il nuovo telecomando... sarà una lotta impari per insegnarglielo ad usare ... credo che per evitare problemi dovrò prendere un televisore con il decoder già integrato...ahahah!

Un abbraccio e buona giornata!

Oh nice watch! With the sun shining perfectly, it's the perfect time to make a sun dial:)

Let it be artistic, intellectual or spiritual, I enjoy as you give us so much, and each one is worth to think. I truly love this art of shadows, sundials.

Have a happy SunnyArtfilled Thursday, Pietro~

nice! sundial!

This is so quaint :)