
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


11 March 2009

Ski run

Ski run

Ski run

Last Sunday in Bardonecchia (1312m) all the ski runs were still open

Comments: 29

Wow, something about that first long view of the ski run makes me want to run there and try it! (And except for one time in the Jura, I don't even know how to ski.)
Snow can be so much fun.
Really wonderful fun photos!

I'd like to try snowboarding one time, people have told me it is fun, and less chance of breaking an ankle as with the clumsy long ski's!

Beautiful photos ! but I am waiting so much for spring, I have an overdose on snow, lol !

Wow ! What a dowhill ! One must approach the feeling of freedom climbing down here.

The second picture illustrates family joys at skiing. I imagine. I've hardly never went skiing, just once.

The Blonde Duck
I haven't been skiing in ages!

Never done any type of skiing before but it sure is quite popular around here, that's for sure!!
Wonderful pictures, Pietro!

sonia a. mascaro
Wow! Nice photos, Pietro! I would love to be there!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Peitro: That looks like a wonderful hill to sled on. We are done with snow for now but who knows.

Two really beautiful photos, full of white and fresh mountain snow! I especially like the second image with all those children who make the photo even more beautiful and colourful and full of life. There is no doubt that they enjoyed playing in the snow a lot.

It was fun to scroll down and see what almost looked like linen (the trees) was a ski scene! Great stuff.

Pietro, these photos are spectacular! It's so inviting.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come back tomorrow!

A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman
beautiful ski & sledding pictures Pietro!

That looks like fun!
Would you believe that I have never skied in my life. I'd be afraid to try at my age. It will always be a regret.

Beautiful photos dear Pietro! I guess you had wonderful time in Bardonecchia! :-) I’ve never done skiing before but I’d like to try once :-)

wow beautiful place.

wow! that's one thing i need to do before i die. skiing. looks great.

get zapped
You captured the fun so well!

Oh my, it's snowy out there? But officially only 10 days for spring fever.

Photo Cache
Magnificent. What fun is that!

My husband requested for us to go skiing too! Fun!!!

Pietro, kindly link my new blog, thanks!

Bon Week-end; Pietro.
Take wonderful pictures.
Thanks for taking the award, it was so kind of you. You're really a blogger-friend.

Tu sais, Pietro, il buontempone n'a eu aucun mal à coller ses autocollants dans tout le wagon.
C'est bien peu comparé à ce que d'autres font en écrivant avec des stylo indélébiles, à rayer les vitres, à faire des tags, abimer les fauteuils......
Les autocollants se décollent au moins. Sans vouloir être rabat-joie (gustafeste), de nos jours, tellement de gens saccagent les biens publics que nous payons tous. Ces gens n'ont aucun respect pour rien.
Le buontempone, au moins avait de l'humour. Les mots qui sont écrits se rapportent à une phrase de notre président. Sarkozy visitait le salon de l'agriculture. Il serrait des mains. Et un homme lui a dit "Je ne te serre pas la main".
Sarkozy lui a répondu "Casse toi, pauvre con". c'est une insulte, (tagli la corda, povero ....). Peut être en as tu déjà entendu parler ? Les présidents sont des hommes comme tout le monde !
Il buontempone a repris les mêmes mots, en changeant le drenier.

Che bella la neve!!!

Buongiorno Pietro, quiinvece c'è un assaggio di primavera.
Un saluto e buon fine settimana!

sonia a. mascaro
Hi Pietro,
Just dropping by to say thank you for your nice words on my post and wish you have a lovely weekend as well!

Hi Pietro!
it's my first time to see ski slope in Italy!
This Ski resort is like ski resort in my country!
Did you have fun there?

Mike's Travels
Great shots.. looks like fun!!
This I Do...

Looks like a great skiing spot. Nice photos too.

Marie Reed
I love to ski! But my boys are even faster and feistier than I am! Kids really have no fear!

Wonderful photos!!! I like the colorful ski wear against the white snow.