
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


19 September 2008

Sky Watch 19/9/2008

Sky Watch

Comments: 28

Wow! That's beautiful! Love the way the clouds are hovering just below the tip of the mountain.

Jane Hards Photography
That is awesome those clouds peeping through the misty clouds.

Oh isn't that amazing how some of the clouds forget to pull up with the rest of them in the sky and just hand around on the mountain tops? That gorgeous!!!

Have a really good weekend!
~Michele J~
Mountain Retreat

Wow! This photo is just spectacular! It looks like huge white clouds are about to swallow down that mountains.
What AWESOME beauty you have captured Pietro!

I love clouds with mountains. The strange thing about this one is that it looks similar to one I had thought about posting this week! "Our" mountain doesn't look like that, but the other side of it does. Yours is much taller, however. Beautiful, beautiful sky.

Now, that definitely IS some big sky...

Des nuages de vapeur rose partis à l'assaut de la montagne bleue ! C'est beau !

Wonderful skywatch photo the stark dark hills against those big bouffant clouds. Great.

Those loose clouds, still hanging in the tree tops, make me smile. They look as if they were too lazy to pull themselves together, and up! ;-)

Debbie@Like a Rose
What beautiful shades of blue! Makes for a cool feeling photo. Very nice.

Your pictures are always amazing, Pietro.
You always catch something Grandiose, Baroque I would say, in the 'mise en scene'.

Oh, yes, indeed! How I would love to float between the layers of cloud and mist!

Nice picture. I like the way you have captured a sliver of clouds lower than the rest along the front of the hills. Thanks for sharing.

i wish i could lie down in the misty clouds! that's really beautiful!

Awesome photo!

Hi Pietro! Well, after a short break but a long absence I’m finally back to the blogosphere and found some time to enjoy your excellent blog…
The mountains near to you provide always great shots!
As far as Lourdes is concerned, with John Paul II Fatima had the some more visibility...
Many thanks for your comments on Blogtrotter, while I was off. It’s now in Kos on the way to Crete! Hope you enjoy and wish you a great weekend and a nice week ahead!

You capture the sky coming to meet the mountains! Nice photo. Thanks for you comment on my SWF.

Awesome view!

Hello Pietro !
Very nice photo...

The colours are beautiful !
But, I don't understand italian...

Thank you for visiting my blog.

I am very impressed with this photo, the cloud sky is amazing. You have an eye for beauty!

i want to climb to the peak!

Hi pietro!
Your picture is always really beautiful. and I think I wanna go to Europe when I see them.
If I could go there in few hours, I could go there!

Mike's Travels
I love the low clouds on the mountains. Beautiful!

This is a real beautiful scene. I could stare at it all day.


Looks like a very cold mountain. Brrr.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comments.

A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman

Louis la Vache
Dramatic and breathtakingly beautiful, Pietro!

A great photo! Where you really there? I suppose you were!