
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


9 July 2016



I still notice more and more NO TAV signs in Turin and in the Susa Valley.
The readers who are not interested in the NO TAV question will perhaps look upon these photographs as curious images.
NO TAV is a movement of the population of the Susa Valley against the construction of a railway line of high-speed train (TAV) Turin - Lyon, in the construction of the so-called Corridor 5 that should connect across eastern Europe (beginning from Kiev), with the major cities of western Europe (including Turin, Marseille, Barcelona to Lisbon).

More information: TAV (Wikipedia)

Comments: 13

I think it is great when people get involved.
As long as it is a case that follow democratic rules.
You have to tell us the result.

Crafty Green Poet
I'm glad to see the public engagement with the issue!

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira
Excelente trabalho e belas fotografias.
Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

Photo Cache
For outside visitors like me the construction would make moving about easy.

Beautiful photos and thanks for explaining the No Tav.

Hello, I can only assume there are good and bad points about the construction of the railway. Great photos! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Interesting shots of the place.

A Casa Madeira
Adorei conhecer; belas as imagens;

A Casa Madeira
Adorei conhecer; belas as imagens;

sonia a. mascaro
Hello Pietro!
I remember you did a post (I don't remember the year...) about NO TAV.
Beautiful photos, Pietro, principally the 5a. with the signs on the rocks wall!
Wishing you and Cynthia a nice week.

Lovely captures!

Adriana Alba
Excelentes fotografías!
Siempre es una alegría visitarlos.

The more I think about the history of my own country and the connection between rapid transportation and the loss of cultural identity--and the decimation of entire peoples--the more I think pedestrianism and cycling are good things! What we lose when we move too quickly!