
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


28 April 2015

Spring in white

Comments: 20

Lovely collection of blooms.. Just beautiful. Have a happy day!

So beautiful! Have a happy spring.

John's Island
Wow, I thought your last post with the shades of purple was great but now you have outdone that with white! Wonderful photos and thank you for sharing!

Gorgeous captures!!

oh, those blooming trees are fabulous! love them!

Sylvia K
Ah, Spring at its best and, as always, you've captured the beauty, Pietro!! Thank you so much for sharing! Hope your week is going well!!

Traveling Rockhopper
so nice flowers!!!

How beautiful ! Spring is my favourite season !

Beautiful Spring series !

Beautiful flowers. It is very pleasing to the eyes.

Crafty Green Poet
I love cherry blossoms!

sonia a. mascaro
Gorgeous, stunning photos of "Spring in White"!
It's always a great pleasure visit your blog!
Thank you!!

What a lovely series of shots.

Photo Cache
Oh what lovely spring sights. The flower shots are so spectacular.

Such delight, to scroll through these images of blossoms and also the ones below!

John's Island
Thank you for more kind comments on my blog. Wishing you a fine weekend!

Oh such beautiful photos. I love white flowers and your photos are so pretty!

Thank you for all your kind comments on my blog too. I really appreciate them. xx

Ah to be in Italy!
White and lovely.

Marina Filgueira
¡Hola Pietro!!!

Nos dejas un preciosa entrada llena bellas imágenes de árboles en su máxima floración, espectacular diría yo, un post pariendo primavera. Mi enhorabuena.
Te dejo mi gratitud inmensa y mi estima siempre.
Un abrazo y se muy muy feliz. Agradezco en el alma tu visita.

Veo que todos te escriben en Inglés. Bueno yo trataré de pasarlo al traductor, no sé que tal saldrá. Si hace falta, en italiano también.

¡Ciao Pietro!!!

Ci lascia una bella entrata piena primavera di belle immagini di alberi nella sua massima fioritura, spettacolare direi, un post parto. Le mie congratulazioni. Lascio la mia immensa gratitudine e il mio apprezzamento come sempre. A abbraccio e fu molto molto felice. Apprezzo la vostra visita nell'anima. Vedo che tutti voi scrivendo in inglese. Beh cercherò di passarlo al traduttore, non so che verrà fuori. Se è necessario, in italiano anche.

¡Hello Pietro!!!

Leave us a beautiful full entrance beautiful images of trees in its maximum bloom, spectacular I would say, a post giving birth spring. My congratulations. I leave my immense gratitude and my appreciation as always. A hug and was very very happy. I appreciate your visit in the soul. I see that all writing you in English. Well I will try to pass it to the translator, I don't know that it will come out. If you do need, in Italian a

White, in its full glory! Great pictures!