
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


23 June 2013

The Sator Magic Square

The Sator Magic Square in Turin. The formula was widely diffused throughout the city in the Medieval period among the members of the Templar Order.
It's a word square containing a Latin palindrome featuring the words SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS written so that they may be read top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top, left-to-right, and right-to-left.
One of its meanings may be: "The sower Arepo leads with his hand (work) the plough (wheels)."

More information: Wikipedia here

Informazioni sul Quadrato del Sator: Wikipedia qui

Comments: 14

Nice capture of the facade.

Superb and interesting capture as always, Pietro! Wishing you a great new week ahead!! Enjoy!

Photo Cache
i love the facade. so many of those in european cities.

sonia a. mascaro
Just great, Pietro! This palindrome is amazing. Many years ago I did a xylograph with this words SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS.
Love the house too.

Blond Duck
I like that. So much power in the handmade.

Blond Duck
So pretty!

Molto interessante il modo con cui è scritto, m'intriga. Un caro saluto Pietro. Adoro tutto sui templari.

Pietro Brosio
Thank you all for your kind comments!

I admire the minds that thought this up!

Grande città Torino : le vestigia dei Savoia, il Po, la Juve...

Ciao Pietro, buona estate. Un caro saluto.

Blond Duck
Hope you're having a good week!

Blond Duck
I hope you're having a good week!

That is really cool!