
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


11 July 2011

Images from the Susa Valley

NO TAV protest

Asking for the resignation of the government

Comments: 15

The first picture is great! what a charming, full of green place

Lovely photos, especially the last one's swoosh of snow and cloud together.
What a hot button issue the NO TAV is--how do you feel about the rail?
Happy week to you!

Hi Pietro!
your pictures are beautiful as usual!everytime I see them, I wanna go to Italy!

Thank you for your kind and warm words for me.
I'm staying at mother's house.
I had a boy on 25th of June.
I'm very happy and I'm thinking couldn't be happier.
I'm coming here again after getting home.
I wanted to say thank you to you.

sonia a. mascaro
Hi Pietro,
The first and the last photo of Susa Valley are wonderful!

Have a nice day!

Wow! Your blog is a breath of sunshine and energy! It made me wake up completely. Gorgeous! Thank you for your visit!

sonia a. mascaro
Pietro, thank you so much for your kind and comfort words in this sad moment.
Warm embrace,

Luma Rosa
The beautiful images do not match the feeling of denial. Unfortunately the Italian people is divided. Only the truth would unite the people!

Boa semana!!

In quel prato grande, Pietro...nascono le speranze.
Buon fine ed inizio settimana, grazie :-)

Photo Cache
really love the first image. what is planted there?

I am ready to blow up that train idea myself. Goodness!

Ciao Pietro, seguo con molto interesse l'evolversi della lotta per la NOTAV, gli amici del comitato mi aggiornano...Sono nauseata e disgustata...spero che il governo cada e si faccia anche male.
Un caro saluto

The Blonde Duck
Gorgeous mountains!

Beautiful, peaceful images.

With the crisis, there won't be any € for the TAV! And I won't be able to travel to the Valley... ;)

Short Poems
Amazing peaceful images, Pietro!