
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


11 November 2010

Autumn thoughts

Comments: 39

Hi Pietro! Fabulous shots!! Those leaves down are a true poem to Nature...

Blogtrotter Two has moved to a new country and actually to the most populated city in Africa. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Mike's Travels
Beautiful autumn carpets!

Sylvia K
Fantastic captures, Pietro! Love the carpet of leaves and your composition in all the photos is superb! You can feel autumn in the air! Thank you so much -- as always for sharing the beauty! Have a lovely evening and a wonderful weekend!


ah l'autunno, colori fantastici nelle tue foto, ma anche un pò di tristezza x chi come me adora l'estate! a presto! Luis

The Blonde Duck
I wish it would get cool here!

Bellissime Pietro le tue immagini che ci illustrano tutti i caldi colori e gli aspetti di una giornata autunnale ...

Un saluto e buona serata.

Magnifiche foto in tema col presente...miriadi di foglie nell'aria volteggianti..Deliziosa la foto del nonno col nipotino:-) Un cordiale saluto e buon fine settimana:-)

Tu mi dai quello che manca Hawaii

Aloha from Waikiki :)

Comfort Spiral



Pietro, amazing photo collection - fall is always so opportunistic. Anna :)

Le cadrage sur le tapis de feuilles est formidable ! Une photo comme je n'aurais pas pensé faire et dont j'adore l'originalité.

Cette saison est flamboyante par ses teintes, mais néanmoins, elle apporte de la tristesse pour moi.

Bon week-end Piétro.

That's beautiful, Pietro. I would love to spend time there and enjoy the fall.

Enjoy the weekend - whatever the weather!

Many thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again tomorrow!

Mi rivedo in queste bellissime immagini autunnali a Torino, buon fine settimana Pietro :-)
Lungo Po o lungo Dora? :-)

Ah truly a wonderful series, I love all the shots, especially the first one!
Thanks for sharing!

Hi Pietro!
I like the picture of granpa with a baby!
it's comfortable time to read a book at the park when he takes a walk with the baby.
Have a happy Saturday!

My favourite is the old man with the baby :-)

E passeggiando su questo tappeto di foglie ti auguro buon week-end Pietro!

Is it you in the photo #4? Maybe? That is the thought this autumn morning passing thru my mind right now:)

sonia a. mascaro
So beautiful photos of a nice place, Pietro!
Love specially the photo with the baby and the grandfather. Just lovely!

Have a pleasant weekend.

Turin looks beautiful in autumn. :)

Autumn is unique art, loved your beautiful photos :)

These are absolutely delightful. I love the reader and his charge.

aww beautiful! we don't enjoy 4 seasons here..and it's really breathtaking when I see photos of Autumn. gorgeous! Have a wonderful week ahead!

Hi Pietro
here, Sunday is almost over.
I wish tomorrow was holiday, too.
Have a happy week, Pietro!

Ciao Pietro, mi consola che delle foglie ci sono tante anche da voi non solo nel mio giardino:)). Le tue foto sono stupende, poetiche. Mi suggeriscono che l'autunno ha le sue meraviglie.Mi incanta di piú la foto dove il nonnino sta leggendo mentre il piccoino dorme dolcemente al sole che accarezza tutti e due.
Baci e buona nuova settimana

Buongiorno Pietro e buon Lunedì!

Ciao Pietro, buon inizio di questa nuova settimana..ieri ho visto la maratona, ero convinta che il primo (nero) (che aveva un considerevole stacco dagli altri) vincesse..invece ha vinto un altro..(bianco)E' stato un bel momento di gran tifo:-)) Cordialità.

Quelles jolies couleurs d’automne cher Pietro! Comme elle est belle la douce lumière de cette saison, vous l’avez parfaitement reflété sur vos photos! Le calme et notamment la paix intérieure, c’est ce que je retiens de votre post.


Davvero tutto molto bello e suggestivo.
Buona giornata!

Photo Cache
You have spectacularly colored world. How much fun is it to step out of your house and see this beautiful sights?

Ciao Pietro, l'autunno ci regala colori stupendi.
buona giornata.

Merhaba Pietro, come va:)
Here's my quick deepnotes after yours, that I'm grateful:

I) Before I used to eat that way like you, with oil & bâton bread plus some thyme & a few drops lemon. But I deleted 'bread' from my eating habits; not pasta:) Am going for bread-free for a long time:) Don't you think to leave bread?

II) Oh cool, you're <115 y.o. :)

III) Today's pretty woman seems so lucky, so is yours:) Our THANKS for high engineering traditions of the GERMAN industry and technology:)

IV) I'll kick off the season visiting IKEA to look for Noel decorations and particularly angel figurines:)

V) Blue-ray disk. Since 2008 I know about it. Will you change your laptop for new one with blue-ray disk, Sony? I saw it in a computer corner here. I like to talk about MAC products, the revolution in thought -Apple:)

Have a great day, ciao~

the times when i envy the most about your country. four seasons.

hoping to visit europe soon.

thanks for your comments :) you must be up late, or up really early ;)

well good morning to you then =)

Hi Pietro!
Today it's raining out and it's very cold!
when it's cold, we,Japanese, take a bath and get warm.
I have an image you, western people, hardly soak in the tub.
is it true?
but taking a shower in winter, isn't it cold?

by the way I haven't had a bluelay yet. it's still a little bit expensive.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens
Hi Pietro, splendid autumnal sketches with your camera. Gold and rust mingling, looking beautiful and finally integrating into the soil to nourish it again. The blue bench has seen spring, summer, autumn and now is waiting for an other season.

awesome autumn photos.

These are absolutely wonderful photos of autumn. I always enjoy as a child in scenes like these are.

Marina Filgueira
Che la bellezza di autunno! La foresta e il paesaggio diventa un tappeto eccellente. Grazie per la condivisione di foto così belle. Un bacio ed essere felici.

Tappeto dell'anima,
polvere Cuata,
Sotto questo viene salvato.
Per la memoria,
a piedi, i ricordi
come una ruota.
Sono passeggeri
della stessa barca,
amore e gelosia.


¡Que belleza de otoño! El bosque y los paisajes, se convierten en una excelente alfombra mágica.
Gracias por compartir tan bellos cuadros. Un beso y se feliz.

Alfombre del alma,
Cuata polvareda,
Bajo ella se guarda.

Por la memoria,
Pasean los recuerdos
Como una noria.

Son pasajeros,
De una misma barca,
Amor y celos.
