
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


30 September 2010

Cloud effects

"God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars"
Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Happy Sky Watch

Comments: 32

Ooh, nice! I love it when clouds sit low on the mountains.

Pura magia!:-)
Un cordiale saluto.

che belle, nuvole, montagne e cielo azzurro!

Mike's Travels
Superb! I love the quote too :)

Mike's Travels
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youve matched those great views to martin luther's quote. more more please.

Sylvia K
Fantastic captures and composition as always, Pietro, and what a perfect match with the Martin Luther quote! And what a perfect way to start my day! Thank you, for the beauty!


The scenes so well matched to the quote. :)

Photo Cache
that is so true. being in nature makes one feel closer to God.

Gorgeous captures. Definitely special place, so close to the clouds.

Nuvole che danzano nel cielo e poi stanche si riposano sulle cime dei monti... bellissima la frase di Martin Luter King il vangelo è scritto anche nelle bellezze del creato.

Un abbraccio Pietro e buon Ottobre!

Ciao Pietro buon inizio di ottobre:-)
ps. ti sembrerà strano, ma nonostante io adori certi piatti napoletani e la pizza in particolar modo, trovo quest'ultima un pò difficile da digerire, e pensare che fino a pochi anni fa mangiavo a tarda sera, sono gli autunni? :-)

beautiful mountain view pictures, wonderful mood pictures

Happy SWF! Have a good weekend,

Regards, Bram

My SkyWatch on WordPress

Seen on Sky Watch Friday, Season 4, Episode 12

Gent. Pietro scrivo "pensieri" fin da ragazzina,ho imitato un pò il mio mentore, Lei è una Poetessa.:-) No, non faccio caso alle rime, forse da bambina si, poi ho sempre scritto istintivamente.
Un cordiale saluto e buon fine settimana col sole:-)

Oh what a stunning world, we all need to give our appreciation to God in every second we breath.

Howfitting the quote with your wonderful shots, thanks so much. Have a nice Friday evening & a great weekend, dear Pietro:)

Nuvole stanche ed esaurite dopo la tempesta...forse
Bel post Pietro, complimenti :-)

The effects are gorgeous. Your world is amazing.

sonia a. mascaro
Wonderful photos, Pietro! Clouds and mountains always are fascinating to me.

Beautiful Martin Luther's quote!

Have a lovely weekend!

Hi Pietro. Nicely done! The photos portray lot of power! I can only imagine what hides in those threes. Anna :) BTW great quote!

Buon primo week-end di ottobre Pietro !!!

Ciao Pietro, ti auguro buon week end!

Lovely photos, Pietro!
Have a good weekend :)
Marinela x x

Ciao Pietro , le tue nuvole che stanno riposando sulle montagne sono favolose:))
Baci e buon fine settimana

sonia a. mascaro
Hi Pietro,
Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog anniversary! I am very honoured to have your visit and compliments. I also have a great pleasure visiting your beautiful blog!
Have a nice weekend too!

Marina Filgueira
Hola: Pietro, estos cuadros me desbordan, tres cosas hermosas la madre naturaleza, las nubes y el cielo. Que frase tan bonita ésta...
Dios escribe el Evangelio, no en la Biblia, sino que también en los árboles, y en las flores y las nubes y las estrellas" Martín Lutero. Gracias por compartilo. Un abrazo en esta tarde de domingo lluvioso. Se filiz

Wonderful photos of blue sky, white clouds and mountain peaks! Beautiful post Pietro, indeed!

Un saluto Pietro per augurarti un buon inizio settimana!

That quote really speaks the truth.

Ciao Pietro, buon inizio settimana e se per favore puoi spostare queste nuvole :-) Un cordiale saluto.

To see clearly, one must see one's subject shrouded in mist.

You really make me wonder, Pietro. How high do you go when you take these photos? It's like you can almost touch the clouds!

How's your week so far?

Many thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again tomorrow!

Hi Pietro! Wonderful shots! Great for photographing, but I prefer it clean for travelling... ,)

Blogtrotter Two just left Sardinia 2009, but it couldn’t make it without showing you the incredible Porto Cervo and its yachts... Enjoy and have a great week!