
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


9 July 2010


"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"


"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind"

Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Comments: 38

Bella e suggestiva questa tua foto Pietro , molto profonda la frase di Einstein.

Secondo me la scienza ha bisogno della ragione mentre la religione ha bisogno di Fede.

Un saluto e buon week-end!

Did you just happen to find that cross in the middle of nowhere??

Nice quotations to go with it.
wow! beautiful photo and quotes Pietro, & so true.

Agree, so true. Without science, we can not understand the earth. In my opinion religion feeds the science.

ps- I was hoping to find this post written in japanese by you;)

Have a nice weekend, Pietro. All the best~

Hi Pietro!
thank you for telling us great words.
I went to a church in Tokyo last tuesday, too:)
have a wonderful weekend:)

Ciao Pietro buon week end.

morning Pietro!
Thank you.
I'm fine:)
I'm going to Saipan from now!
Have fun on the mountain:)
have a great holiday:)

Short Poems
wow! amazing photos and great quotes Pietro.Thanks for sharing, great work :)
Marinela x

These are wonderful pictures. Leave it to Albert to get it right!

i agree with this. that's why einstein is someone who scientist can look up to.

E' necessario più che mai..meditare.
Un cordiale saluto e buon sabato.

So inspiring Pietro.
Love the quote as well.
Happy weekend.

Bisogna crederci...per poter amare.
Grande Pietro, come sempre e buon fine settimana :-)

I don't understand why there's a cross there. But at any rate, that was well spotted and very interesting.

By the way, a GP surgery in the UK is a doctor's clinic. So walk in patients go there to get a check up, not for an operation - minor or otherwise.

It's scorching over here right now. What is it like over your neck of the woods? Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again tomorrow!

Einstein sure could say and do it all!

...un acquazzone va bene lo stesso..almeno qui a Torino del resto più di così proprio non posso fare:-)) Mi preoccupa il dopo, ma forse in montagna va meglio
Buona domenica.

Ciao Pietro,
belle foto con la croce in mezzo alla natura accanto ad un albero essiccato?.Mi piacciono queste croci "abbandonate".Nella vita forse la cosa piú importante é la fede.
Baci e buon pomeriggio con sorrisi

I beg to differ!

I prefer: "science sans conscience n'est que ruine de l'âme" (Rabelais).

I don't know if this is easily read in Italian...

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: Through religion we see spiritually, through science we see factually. We can use both to see the creation of God's hand.

lovely captures!

Un saluto Pietro e buon inizio settimana!

Ciao Pietro, buon inizio..cordialità.

Hi Pietro! Great quote!!

Meanwhile, as I’m in the office, Blogtrotter Two is on the beach... Enjoy and have a great week!

Ciao Pietro,
Oh just the same happening for us:
Turkey banned youtube access for three years, and we cannot watch any video there at youtube.
Now I see you can't watch DM, unfortunately.
Well, thanks for informing. By the way, I did not hear any complaint from other readers, only from Italia. Curious what if they watched in the best way?

I like reading your 3-key words about life, two of yours (thoughts and details) are of mine too:)

Have a pleasant summer week, and do create your new article please, waiting:)

The Blonde Duck
Those are cool pictures!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens
Hie Pietro, thank you for your visits, always appreciated. These pictures look so peaceful. Earth in its humblest, natural setting a powerful force.

Photo Cache
what a very nice quote and i love this image. it reminds me of lent.

Maybe, religion without science is blind if we don't have broader minds to understand the things around you :)

sonia a. mascaro
Thanks Pietro for your visiting and nice words to Sofia!
Happy day!

Mike's Travels
I love those quotes. Of course, truth cannot contradict itself.

The Blonde Duck
I'm glad you like Scottie!

This is interesting and peaceful photo and I also like this inspiring quotes!

Sylvia K
A great quote and how very true! Love your photos as always! Your posts are always inspiring, Pietro!


lovely photos and thoughts.

beautiful photos and wonderful quotes.

Excellent captures as always Pietro. Thanks for sharing interesting quotes, like the first one very much. Anna :)

Jeannette StG
Sorry, I've been lagging this year in visiting the blogs I like!
Yeah, the "cross" and the tree together make a good combination! BTW that tree would be a good one to paint:)

Louis la Vache
«Louis» likes the quote you included:
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind".
How true.