Ciao Pietro è bellissimo questo tuo dipinto dedicato a San Valentino, colori che evocano speranza e cos'è l'incontro tra due anime se non la speranza? Buon inizio settimana.
Ciao Pietro, oggi mi sono divertita col mio nipotino di 20 mesi, a fare chac chac sulla neve ai giardini, ma ormai non se ne può più, voglio la primavera!! Buona serata
Of course. It has not to be 'red' if we are talking about 'love':) Very cool and out-of-traditional improvisation, Pietro! I like it. In the meantime, here's my (a bit late) answer: to me it's (my smartcard bracelet) somehow the kind of prototype creation that I want to think up. I might develop it using the transfer technique on leather.. I'll see how my idea will bloom.
Comments: 29
Thanks for sharing.
Is it boy in the picture?
Un abbraccio e buon inizio settimana!
So glad it is not red. :)
Happy Valentine's Day, Pietro.
Buon inizio settimana.
Enjoy also to see again your Improvisations paintings.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Belated Happy Valentine's Day to you my friend!
incomincio avere dei dubbi.
buona giornata.
Have a great week.
Pixellicious Photos
Its awesome!
In the meantime, here's my (a bit late) answer: to me it's (my smartcard bracelet) somehow the kind of prototype creation that I want to think up. I might develop it using the transfer technique on leather.. I'll see how my idea will bloom.
All of my best, kindest.
Happy Valentine's day!