Beautiful painting, Pietro! Very nice Contemplazione, Contemplação in Portuguese. Did you know that my preferred color is blue and white? Have a good weekend, my friend.
Oh, how gorgeous, Pietro! And, yes, I would love to hang that where I could see it as I drift off to sleep -- the promise of a beautiful tomorrow! Exquisite, my friend!
Ciao Pietro è una meraviglia questo tuo dipinto, sembra un cielo stellato immenso dove riflettersi, sognare, vivere una vita più consona, più giusta... Buon fine settimana.
ma questa contemlazione è bellissima complimenti. domani sono a torino invitata ad un pranzo sociale ,per fotografare le autorità locali. ciao buon weekend!
Exquisite, Pietro! Great composition, great feeling you put in this painting with so graceful lines. Figure gives me a message that you've a BIG eye (bigger even than you) for skies that's deep and silent.
In the meantime, I visited a few sites about Val di Susa, sulla sfondo la sacra di S. Michele. I just felt in love with the greenery of the woods below the Alps. Photos were such beautiful paintings like yours. Oh one day I'll be there, for sure.
Hope your Sunday is going great, and be followed by an excellent new week ahead. Warm greetings as always~
Comments: 37
Un abbraccio e buona serata.
Did you know that my preferred color is blue and white?
Have a good weekend, my friend.
Enjoy your weekend!
Thanks for sharing this to us. :)
Lovely work of art my friend!!
Buon fine settimana.
domani sono a torino invitata ad un pranzo sociale ,per fotografare le autorità locali.
ciao buon weekend!
Buon fine settimana :-)
I like it very much:)
it's very beautiful.
How did you draw it?
In the meantime, I visited a few sites about Val di Susa, sulla sfondo la sacra di S. Michele. I just felt in love with the greenery of the woods below the Alps. Photos were such beautiful paintings like yours. Oh one day I'll be there, for sure.
Hope your Sunday is going great, and be followed by an excellent new week ahead. Warm greetings as always~
Blogtrotter has also an astonishing display of works of art by contemporary artists in the streets of Bilbao for you to enjoy. Have a great week!