
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


November 7, 2009


I often travel the Val di Susa (Susa Valley) and I can't help noticing more and more NO TAV signs.
The readers who are not interested in the NO TAV question will perhaps look upon these photographs as curious images.

NO TAV is a movement of the population of the valley against the construction of a railway line of high-speed train (TAV) Turin - Lyon, in the construction of the so-called Corridor 5 that should connect across eastern Europe (beginning from Kiev), with the major cities of western Europe (including Turin, Marseille, Barcelona to Lisbon).

If you like more information about NOTAV: AMBIENTE VALSUSA

Comments: 37

Mike's Travels
It's very hard to fight against these things. I live near Heathrow airport and the government do not listen to the locals at all.

La Tav, come già avevo scritto in un post di Nicola e Rirì sull'argomento, è solo una spreco di danaro pubblico che arricchisce le tasche dei soliti... a prescindere poi del deturpamento del paesaggio dove verrà costruita.

Belle le tue immagini e l'ultima mi piace molto... vorrei tanto una casetta così.. dipinta di rosso con il tetto spiovente in mezzo al un bosco ...

Un abbracco Pietro e buon weekend!!!

Eccomi Pietro, al tuo richiamo, hai mantenuto la promessa con delle bellissime immagini, anch'io vorrei una casetta piccolina in ...
Buon fine settimana :-)

Preservarel'habitat cercando di conciliare i bisogni reali di innovazione: se un prezzo si ha da pagare deve essere di minimo impatto ambientale.
Grazie per la bellissima serie.

I wondered what no TAV was, but now I got the whole picture.
I guess they maybe right about that. It seems such a beautiful place to be crossed and spoilt by a railway.

That's a hard one - a high speed line in such a beautiful place, which I'd always understood to be one of the 'unspoiled' places in Europe, for the convenience of Kiev and Lisbon.

Well, if this is the kind of nature and scenery the railway would destroy, I would say NO to TAV also.

Anil P
Raliway lines bring with them a certain disruption. If there's no development along the lines as in constructions then it still might be ok. But then with each project like this a part of nature will be affected for sure.

that's interesting..

Ciao Pietro, buon fine settimana. Sono convinta che sia molto difficile arrestare il processo già in moto ( denaro, appalti, interessi ecc.), spero come l'amica Amatamari che almeno ci sia un minimo impatto..anche se ci sto male..Pensa che una delle mie sorelle (a Napoli) abita in una zona di campagna, un posto da sogno, poi qualche anno fa è passata la linea della metropolitana...una cosa atroce, un intero bosco raso al suolo...

no TAV, respect the nature!

The population of that valley certainly has right to be against the construction of the railway line. It is a pity to destroy such beautiful area and its beautiful landscapes by the construction of railway line.

anchio sono con voi NO TAV

un saluto di corsa ,sto per uscire con il gruppo fotografico f8 x fotografare il luna park di notte a chieri. ciao buona serata.

so sad to see this again. i actually thought it already ended and was resolved.

ciao Pietro, ieri sera non siamo riusciti a fare foto al luna park per il brutto tempo. sono rientrata congelata ed oggi mipasso la giornata in casa al caldo.
buona domenica

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: It certainly does make for interesting photos. The people against must be very passionate in their program.

Buon inizio settimana Pietro...e visto che è bagnata ( qui continua a diluviare da ieri) direi che sarà una settimana anche fortunata.... mettiamola così....

Un abbraccio!

Oh how pity! If it could help I would give my Istanbulian hand and hang down a NO TAV flag from my balcony:)
The last photo is so wonderful, Pietro. We have similar ones like that one in my town.
Hope you have a nice week ahead peaceful and merry.

Sylvia K
I can understand how the people feel and I also know that governments rarely listen in spite of the fact they're supposed to be representing "the people". It is sad to see such a beautiful place being threatened with such a huge change that will destroy much of the beauty.

Have a good week, Pietro! And thanks, as always for visiting my blog!


The Blonde Duck
I'll help them fight!!!

sonia a. mascaro
I can understand how the people feels about that...
You did a good job here, showing to us the NO TAV signs.

Have a nice week ahead.

I feel your passion on this one.

would they be displaced by the railway?
I love to see people get involved and take action about what is important to them.
Your photos always reflect the beauty of your surroundings. I can definitely see why the people who live in this area do not want it spoiled.

Bellissimi colori, Pietro!
Buona serara

Let the voices be heard, Pietro.

those are really nice places... so sunny and loved it..

nice photos..thanks for sharing it..lolz

recent post-Social Networking Site's Addiction.

Spices of Life
this is a very nice places... so peaceful and comfy...feels like home

I hope good sense prevails and the countryside is preserved.

These are lovely images!
I can understand anyone not wanting modern high-speed advances in such serene and scenic spots.

Hi Pietro! Sorry for disagreeing, but I'm looking forward to a TAV that takes me easily to Val di Susa and brings Val di Susa people (those who know that there is more in the outside world than the Valley and want to see it) to Lisbon, easily and conveniently... ;))

Blogtrotter finished Turkey 2008 and is back to a gem in Iberia. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

I know NO TAV is the subject in here, but I cant help but appreciate the beautiful sceneries as well.

Beautiful sceneries and photos. People are against the train because .... it will change everything, like destroy the environment? The peace and quiet nature of the place? Am just guessing.

I was wondering what it is. Accidentally the sign made a great series of shots of the valley. The forth one is my favorite.

Very interesting. I had not heard about No Tav before. Good luck to those protesting against the railway line.


Beautiful images and interesting story.
We all would like to travel but the streets should pass by somebody else's house, that's a real conundrum.