
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


7 September 2009

Mountain Bike race

Photos by Pietro Brosio

Comments: 25

ciao Pietro, belle foto.
ieri sono stata alla basilica di superga, ma su Torino c'èra foschia e non si vedevano le montagne.
ho inserito la slide su

a presto

That first photo is so funny. :)
Looks like an exciting event, not for the faint of heart.
The curved building is a pleasure to seee.

Very nice reportage, I am already tired ! lol !

wow that beautiful reportage! this is the winter olimpic downhill?

Forte il primo scatto ...ahahah!!! un'ottima sequenza di immagini... guardandole ...praticamente come se fossi stata li anche io!!!

Un saluto e buona giornata!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens
Fun, up and down, who won the race? You?

I can barely ride a regular bike on a normal street and then to ride it down a steep hill.. Ack! I know I would tumble head over! I give credit to these athletes. It's not easy.
Very good snapshots of this race, Pietro!

wow, interesting race!

Ciao Pietro, buon inizio settimana, belle foto in sequenza, complimenti.

ciao Pietro, le meridiane che hai visto nel blog, le ho fotografate ieri a Superga, e si vedono molto bene salendo tramite una scala a chiocciola sulla terrazza della cupola. per arrivarci ho fatto 120 gradini.
buona serata

The first photo threw me for a loop! Then I see what goes on. That looks like a hot day and some intense cycling but lots of fun!

Hi Pietro!
are you in the picture?
Oh, I wanna see your picture!!
by the way I can read " buona serata " does it mean " good evening" ?
if I can go to Italy for few hours and I can go there only for few days off, I would fly there!!

This series of photos is really well done job. Excellent and interesting sequence of images, Pietro!

fun. which one was you? =D

The Blonde Duck
Is anyone going to claim their bike?

I sure hope the bike is strapped on securely!
Great action shots!
Love the beauty of the country shown in the first image.
Pietro, what a great photo story! these bikers seem very courageous to me.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: Those are really neat photos, thanks so much for sharing the time.

The Blonde Duck
Since I'm blond, I'd lose my bike!

Buona sera Pietro, meravigliosa la sequenza fotografica, pensa che da ragazzo ero appassionato di ciclismo " su strada " e possedevo anche una bici da " corsa ", poi con il passare del tempo si è affievolita la passione...
Bella cittadina Bardonecchia...peccato che non so sciare!
A presto :-)

Beautiful mountains background. Is that recent?

I am hungry to seeing this kind of sport in my country of turchia. Many thanks to you Pietro for bringing this photo-novel in front of my eyes, that I enjoyed very much, dreamt easily on how it goes.

everything looks so exciting because of the movement and such. my favourite photo is the last one - such a cute family! ;)

Mike's Travels
Fantastic! Did you take part?

I like the idea of having the bikes lifted to the top instead of riding them to the top!