
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


17 August 2009

Turin, 15th August 2009

The Santuario della Consolata (1670), dedicated to Maria Consolatrice (Mary the Comforter and protector of Turin), one of the city's most splendid examples of the baroque.

The Piazza della Consolata, with the well-known café Al Bicerin (1873), opposite the church. In this café you can enjoy the delicious Torinese bicerin, an uplifting mixture of hot chocolate, espresso and cream.

Piazza Solferino
In the second picture, one of the futuristic twin buildings, called Atrium Torino, which house a large exhibition space over two floors.

Comments: 34

that beautiful plaza! cool pics!

Oh, nice scenes of Turin! I enjoy especially the black and white nuns. Hope you had a happy Ferragosto.

Unseen India Tours
Beautiful Shots and fantastic Post..For this you deserve a gift .Do check my profile and collect the Gift.

What a beautiful city. I like the way that futuristic building's shape is similar to the pavement in design. Lovely.

Eccomi Pietro, tornato per ammirare la nostra bella città. Le tue foto bellissime, come sempre.
Buon inizio settimana e buona serata:-)

sonia a. mascaro
What a beautiful city you live, Pietro! Wonderful architecture! Thanks for sharing these great pictures!

Have a nice week ahead.

sonia a. mascaro
I forgot to mention that I love the pebble on the street pavement. Just gorgeous!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Peitro: Those are outstanding views of the city, thanks for sharing the beauty of your area of the world.

The Blonde Duck
I saw a nun in the grocery store the other day. That's rare down here!

Eh si... Torino è una gran bella città e i tuoi scatti ne sono una conferma...

Un saluto Pietro e buona giornata1

Oggi giorno solo così in questa atmosfera irreale e rarefatta si riesce a percepire e a vivere tutta la bellezza architettonica e non di una città...

Ciao Pietro!

Chubby Chieque
Cool to found your blog. It's so great read.

Thanks for sharing.

Wonderful snaps. The architecture is exceptionally beautiful.

Ciao Pietro, hai reso l'idea della città..proprio come piace a me.
Al mare solo tanti caffè per navigare un pò:-) Grazie.

Hi Pietro!
Wonderful post! It looks nice on a Sunday morning...

Blogtrotter is leaving Iceland, but before departing it shows you the incredible Blue Lagoon. Enjoy and have a fabulous week!

Photo Cache
thanks for the wonderful tour. i love the architecture and your images are so clear and crisp, just a joy to view.

have a lovely week.

Such a beautiful Turin. Love the architectures. Thanks for sharing all these.
Wonderful post.

Ciao Pietro, buona giornata, grazie per quello che hai scritto, mi fa un pò arrossire ricevere dei realtà sono emozioni percepite e sentite, forse è per questo che risultano immediate. Certo saper scrivere come un bravo "artista della penna", mi piacerebbe molto, intanto mi accontento di leggere...
Oggi credo si stia meglio in montagna, giornata troppo afosa.

Very sharp and clear photos ! I can see everything in details, beautiful. Love the chatting black and white sisters, lol !

ciao Pietro, bella Torino deserta, forse perchè a me non piace il caos.
buona giornata!

I like this series of photos of really beautiful city and its wonderful carchitecture.

Eleonora Baldwin
Grazie Pietro per le tue gentili parole lasciate sul mio blog.
Mia nonna era di Asti, ma io non sono mai stata a Torino, che vergogna! Amo i cibi e i vini di quelle meravigliose terre, per non parlare del cioccolato. Ne parlo spesso nei miei post.

Torna quando vuoi, c'è sempre tanta roba buona sul fuoco, ottime bottiglie e bella compagnia x fare due chiacchere.

Aglio, Olio & Peperoncino

Fai un salto anche al mio altro blog in Italiano:

sonia a. mascaro
Hi Pietro,
Just dropping by to appreciate more those beautiful places and to say thank you for your nice comment on my post.

With my second visit I can observe the two nuns talking and I liked very much this pic.

PS: I changed the tittle of my current post, now it's "Walking on Water". Lol!

What a lovely series of photos. The first one is so magnificent, but the second with the sisters just has something to say. And the empty sidewalks and streets. Really all are wonderful.

Pietro, I love the cobblestone streets, and the irrepressibly charming atmosphere of this area.

Hi Pietro!
I hope I go to Turin someday.
i'm sure I enjoy spending time there.
Seeing the church first and taking some breaks at the cafe!
Have a lovery weekend:)

Un saluto Pietro e buon fine settimana!

Pietro buon fine settimana!

Buon fine settimana Pietro..con un pò di fresco..almeno si spera:-)

beautiful town... is it where the shroud of turin can be found?

Oooh my God! What a fabolus architecture and places to visit within a post that I'm impressed a lot to be able to take a flight and visit this state, Pietro! The Basilica Santuario della Consolata.. questo il vero cuore spirituale e io la vorrei visitare, un giorno ci andro'. My poor heart can stop if you go to tell us other splendid examples -so please don't:)

A great post it was. Wishes for a nice weekend to you.

Turin looks like a wonderful place! Seems like it suits well for Summer :)

My favourite bunch of photos! Lovely lovely lovely.

marvelous compositions!