
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


9 June 2009


Risto Immonen (Finland) "Lights in the mountains"

Gadadhar Ohja (France) "My future planet"

Thierry Lauwers (Belgium) "Awakening"

There are several woodcarvings by various artists along a green path near the mountain village of Les Arnauds (1333m, Piedmont, Italy). Some more in next posts.

Comments: 40

ciao Pietro, buona giornata

Curiose e particolari queste sculture in legno.... quella di Gadadhar Ohja "My future planet" è molto bella.

Un saluto Pietro e buona giornata!

Amazing how many very different forms the same piece of wood can become in the hands of international artists.

Mike's Travels
I like them. Wonder how they will weather :)

Unseen India Tours
The Wooden Work Is So Neat !! This Is A Great Post..Simply Amazing !! Thanks For Sharing !!

I imagine that the carvings will look better over time. Nice post Pietro.

Interessanti, mi piace molto quella con la scritta "My future planet"..
Ciao Pietro, buona giornata e grazie.

I don't know, but I look different when I wake up, lol

They used a lot of phantasy, would have been better without titles !

It is indeed interesting how different hands and minds translate a piece of wood into a work of art.

Thought provoking, Pietro. And beautiful.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: Those are wonderful images from the mountans. That is a talented artist to produce such works.

Marie Reed
How wonderful to be able to mix my two favorite things.. hiking and art!

Hi Pietro! It's amazing to consider that in some centuries they would like the old wooden sculptures I've seen in Lithuania...

Meanwhile Blogtrotter (not me, I’m stuck here ;)) is profiting from the holidays in Lisbon this week and has a tour of Lake Galve, one of the beautiful lakes near Trakai, to show you! Hope you enjoy and have a great week!

The Blonde Duck
How cool!

those r pretty neat.. :-) especially da 2nd one.. :-)

ciao Pietro, la nikon della fotografia sul blog è una vecchia f 50 che va molto bene che uso pocho per il semplice fatto che bisogna fare sviluppare il rullino ,
mi sono iscritta ad una maratona fotografica a Chieri, e sono diventata socia in questo gruppo che mi sembra serio. ti lascio i links se vuoi visitarlo e darmi una tua opinione ne sarei grata


Più che sculture le tue immagini le considero monumenti....
Buona giornata Pietro!

Whimsical and still creates attention-getting sculptures as tall as a man:)
(am I right, how long is it? i.e. 1,70cm as myself?)

These are my liking, however I don't like if carvers go to paint their carvings. Impatiently waiting some more of this indoor art Pietro as I like very much to see individual creativity through in woodcarving such as painting, beading..

Have a pinkest+bluest+yellowest day, w/ my best wishes~

I like the Awakening the best. Very soft and fluid.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Do come back for more of tomorrow and find out where we are going!

A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman

Very many thanks for the information you provided, dear Pietro. Now I can accurately imagine how long they are like. Wish you a very nice evening:)
how nice to be walking along and discover these beautiful sculptures. they fit perfectly in such a pristine environment. Very creative.

ciao Pietro, buona giornata

ps.. con questi sbalzi di temperatura mi è venuto mal di gola

Very pretty looking wood carvings.

Hi Pietro!
very interesting!
I like the last one:)
Have a wonderful weekend:)

sonia a. mascaro
Very beautiful woodcarvings! "Awakening" is amazing!
This place looks very nice.

Thanks for your nice visiting to my place.
Have a lovely weekend.

I am so fascinated by artists that are able to take woods and shape it into pieces such as these... it is simply beautiful!
Wonderful post, I am glad you were able to show us these!

I took exactly 1138 photos, lol !

Beautiful post, Pietro! I like those woodcarvings very much. They are all beautiful and interesting on their own way. Lots of patience and effort was put into that art work. Wonderful, indeed!

Another amazing photos, Pietro. :)

interesting carvings :)

Hi Pietro! Today is St. Anthony's night here in lisbon and it promises a long night... So Blogtrotter made a new post with a nice lunch location for you. Enjoy and have a great weekend! I’m having the benefit of the holidays... ;))

Bonjour Pietro, just wanted to merci bien you for taking your time to vote on mine:) Sending wishes that you get in good spirits of morning and a hot cup of cappuccino. Au revoir~

Un saluto Pietro per questo fine settimana che ti auguro sia pieno di sole e cose belle!

Amazing I have not seen something like this before.

Buon fine settimana Pietro.

Un morceau de bois et il en sort des merveilles.
Je suis de l'avis de Gattina, la libre interprétation m'aurait fait penser, pour la première oeuvre, à un instrument de musique.
Les contorsions du réveil m'amusent.
Certainement une promenade agréable, avec ces pauses qui permettent d'admirer les créations des artistes.

ciao Pietro buona domenica!!

wow! there's a place here in the philippines where they master wood carvings. i need to visit the place again and might have the chance to blog about it.

I like these wood carvings.


very nice photos here..thanks for sharing!

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