
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


18 June 2009

Sky Watch 19/6/2009

"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again"
Henri Cartier Bresson

Happy Sky Watch!

Comments: 39

Fantastic snap. If one is not quick enough to identify the change, the snaps will never be good.

I love those clouds! Just beautiful!

That quotation is a good inspiration for us to keep snapping pictures.

Sylvia K
Breathtaking shot, Pietro! The clouds are awesome! And I, too, love the quotation!

So glad you captured this scene before it vanished - it's beautiful!

My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

Jane Hards Photography
That is the perfect way to describe photography and also why I like natural images so much. They capture that split second that cannot be repeated. Beautiful.

That is a marvelous view. The cloud trim on the mountain is perfect.

Oh when the clouds
come rolling in ...
wonderful image!

Cartier Bresson word of photography wisdom captured the fragility of a photographer's subject perfectly!

Beautiful - Gorgeous - Expansive!

Mike's Travels
Extraordinary combination of cloud forms. Happy weekend to you!

Love those clouds.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Hi Pietro
Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my Rainbow post... :O)

I do like the quote with this weeks Sky Watch picture, which itself is a stunner.

I would also like to say I have enjoyed browsing your past posting... and really enjoyed seeing the artwork on display.

Great blog you have here
My Sky Watch post are: Sky Views and Rainbows

Tara R.
What a gorgeous view, actually looking down on the clouds - beautiful!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: What a wonderful sky scene from the mountais of Northern Italy. I do love the clouds surrounding the mountain.

It is as if the clouds are a jumprope made of cotton!

Wow ! that's a very special picture ! beautiful !

That is a fantastic capture...

I love those clouds with the mountain top just peeking through..

Wow, this one is very special, love the dept in the picture, nice colors and great cloudsetting!!!

Have a nice SWF

Greetings from NL

Beautiful sight and a perfect quote to go along. :)

sonia a. mascaro
What a fantastic view, Pietro! Great photo!

sonia a. mascaro
I forgot to say that I like the quote of Henri Cartier Bresson.

Ciao Pietro molto bella l'immagine, nuvole appoggiate sulle colline...
buon fine settimana.

Photo Cache
Happy skywatch.

As for Joy of Norwich Daily, I haven't been able to visit her for a week now. Something's not right about her carrier, I think.

sonia a. mascaro
Yes, Pietro, I took these photos near my house. I went there by car, but I could go there just walking.

Have a nice weekend!

oh this is a gorgeous photo!!! made my morning..

take care

Awesome skywatch!


Fantastic... the clouds just roll down along the mountain tops... how beautiful is that!!??!! A hint of the snowy peak pops out for a peek, that is an amazing photo!

buona domenica !!

Hello Pietro. My black cat lifted her paw in salute to the protesters to our east, in Iran.

Oh yes, how true description about this art of photography, Pietro.
Time to time I definitely find myself trying to preserve all my memories through my photos, but sometimes it can become very difficult because of having no enough time. But at the same time I find myself easily forgetting certain happenings in my life without those images which spur my memory. So I like and find essential photomaking:)

I care very much about this photo blog of yours, and go to invest more time and effort into it:) Today's sky watch is priceless! Superb.

Buona Domenica con tanti saluti~

Hi Pietro! This is an excellent picture and quite appropriate for the Bresson's quote!! Wonderful!

Blogtrotter has a moved to another country on its 250th post. Enjoy and have a great Sunday!

pretty! Do you look somewhere high seem to capture great shots of the mountains and clouds!

Louis la Vache
Breathtaking image, Pietro!

awesome mountain scene. you should visit the philippines and see the cordillera region.

Buon inizio settimana, qui sole accecante e lì? :-)

İlhami Uyar
Very nice photos,thanks a lot for your sharing.Best wishes

the quote simply says that i have o take pictures everyday..wink! lovely shot..thanks for sharing..Simply The Best
Euroangel Graffiti
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The Blonde Duck
It makes you want to fly!

Pas de doute que les photographes sont des témoins, et immortalisent des moments fugaces.

Néanmoins, ton ciel est un rêve, un rêve bleu qui évolue chaque seconde. Tu as "figé" un instant de ce rêve. Mais je suis certaine que le moment précédent et le suivant étaient tout aussi merveilleux.