
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


27 June 2009

Fantasy on the Teatro Regio

Main Entrance

The Teatro Regio is Turin's opera house. Designed by the architects Marcello Zavellani-Rossi and Carlo Mollino between 1967 and 1973, it's one of Europe's most important modern opera houses.

Comments: 34

Wow, very transparent!

Bellissimo teatro Pietro, grazie mi emoziona sempre, come la prima volta che ci sono andata, un coinvolgimento forte, c'era La Traviata....buona giornata.

Amazing architecture! Great shots!

Mike's Travels
That's a beautiful façade :)

Very interesting interplay of light and steel! I bet it looks less busy once one steps inside. I quite like spare modern architecture. Leaves room to dream!

sonia a. mascaro
Wow! The Teatro Regio looks gorgeous! Love your photos too!

MY grandfather loved to hear Tito Gobbi! Thanks for sharing this video with us.

Have a lovely weekend!

I have no words tat wud capture the magnificence of these shots.. i am in awe.. wat grandeur!!!! :-)

ciao Pietro,buona domenica!

oggi termina la mia maratona.

stupenda architettura ed inquadratura!
buona domenica!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Peitro: That is such a beautiful place, I imagine you have been there several times.

Que de lignes, de symétrie et de transparence ! Une prouesse technique, certainement, d'élever un tel bâtiment avec une telle baie vitrée !
Très aérien pour un palais de la musique, c'est parfaitement conçu.
Bon Dimanche, Piétro.

What a wonderful place to go for an opera. I think I must do that someday!

Looks fantastic!


It looks lovely. The play of light on the glass is very pleasing.

Buon Onomastico Pietro e buona settimana!!!

Un abbraccio!

buon onomastico Pietro!

Buon inizio settimana, ma soprattutto buon onomastico!!Sai che a Napoli si festeggia molto questa ricorrenza? Mia madre portava ai vicini cioccolatta e savoiardi:-)
Bè, poi c'era il caffè prepagato (come dici tu) agli amici:-)

That is an impressive style of modern architecture and your photos are great.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: Drop me an E-mail sometime so I have your address. I always use my macro setting fo close-ups on flowers and insects.

Looks beautiful, what an architecture !
It's now nice and warm here at the lake, but with thunderstorms. Have been in Venice as usual full of tourists !

The Blonde Duck

Beautiful architecture and shots.

Buongiorno da Torino,(città meravigliosa,Pietro, seppur in ritardo buon onomastico.
what a cool building, so modern and well designed. beautiful Pietro!

Marie Reed
It's been ages since I've been to the theater! This makes me miss it so!

WOW WOW... just look at that! How impressive. What a beautiful building. To see something of this is just taking my breath away.. very nice!

Oh my, looks great and very chic Opera House, Pietro! And, I am sure it should be home to very interesting first class productions. Being a very crazy (esp italian) opera lover, how much I wanted to go there. This past winter (in december) I watched La Traviata di Verdi here in a Opera House. May I have a good chance to see of a repeat opera at yours. Yes, yes, I wanna have it!

Have a wonderful evening~

Louis la Vache
Nice capture of the play of the lights and reflections!

Pietro, il fiume scorre nel mattino limpido, con allegra energia :-)
buona giornata.

The Blonde Duck
That lake picture was the only one I had of us in a swim suit!

ciao Pietro, buona giornata!

devo chiederti un consiglio, vorrei fare come te bloccare le fotografie che posto nel blog, per evitare che vengano prelevate , ma non so come fare, ti sarei grata se mi spieghi.


L. Neusiedler
an explosion of light! good captures!

Amazing building, excellent pictures!!

I simply LOVE these photos, because I like architecture and I think glass is such a beautiful element to make a building gorgeous! :D