
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


19 April 2009

Spring in Yellow

"Color possesses me. I don't have to pursue it. It will possess me always, I know it. That is the meaning of this happy hour: Color and I are one. I am a painter".

Paul Klee (1879-1940)

Comments: 33

Yellow is the color of joy. Thanks.

Ma che belle Pietro queste immagini fan venire la voglia di tuffarsi in questo mare di fiori dal colore del sole, il colore della gioia e del sorriso.

Buona Domenica Pietro!

buona domenica Pietro. bellissima foto

If we don't get sun in the sky, at least there's some on earth !
Gold petals grow in your fields !
What an appropriate quotation you found, Piétro, to go with.
Have a sunny Sunday.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: I read this and thought I was reading your thoughts from the colorful views you have been showing.

Oh my, that is just so beautiful. What wonderful sights for such tired eyes... a great treat to see. I thank you, my friend!


Lovely. AS often your photos radiate so much I can feel the warmth and smell the air and the flowers.

This is fantastic, Pietro! That field of yellow can brighten up anyone's day.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come back tomorrow!

A Pinay In EnglandYour Love CoachI, Woman

Pietro tutto a posto???
Un abbraccio!

This is spectacular sight Pietro! Thanks for sharing this field of golden colour, full of sun and joy!
Since I can not be there to see this, I am so glad you have shared this with us. What an amazing spring your countryside provides Pietro!

Mike's Travels
Wonderful sight. I think it is mustard?

Müge Tekil
Ah elle est magnifique cette couleur jaune! Superbes photos! Vraiement adorables!

Oh! This is lovely! Yellow flowers are my favorite. ;-)


Marie Reed
Pietro! I'm flabbergated! It does bring me so much joy to see the huge block of yellow!

capito qui per caso.... e mi complimento con te per i dipinti

buon lunedì

adore the yellow fields! check my blog!
see u soon!Luis

Hi Pietro!
everybody likes your photo:)
your photo is always beautiful.
I wish I went there and drank a cup of cafelatte while sitting aside the beautiful flowers!

The Blonde Duck
I just want to run through those flowers singing at the top of my lungs!

ti ho inserito nel mio blog roll
buona serata

Piétro, je viens de consulter mes commentaires, et le tien m'informe que "tu écris trop vite, quelque fois". Mais je ne comprends pas : )
S'il se rapporte à un précédent commentaire, je crois que je ne l'ai pas reçu.

wow ... it's almost like a painting by Van Gogh!

Wow what a beautiful field ! I also live through colors, that's why I don't like black and white photos which are supposed to be artistic !

ciao Pietro, arriverà questo sole...cosa ne pensi
buona giornata

di niente, è un piacere averti nel mio blogroll

buon fine giornata

Oh breathtaking! So animate, so alive. Can you help me to find the answer of my question Pietro, who paints the world so beautifully like this? Believe me, Ist'l is gorgeous. Stuttgart another heavenly beautiful. Redbuds growing up in Oklahoma, magnifique. Torino, too. Yes, God paints it. It is the exact reason why we should truly appreciate beauty when it is there.

Yes, me too a thinker like Paul. Color possesses me. More colors from Torino would welcome, pls share, share, share:)

PS- As for high-heels, I'm addicted to only two makes when shoes the topic for me: made in Italy and made in Spain. Both are great products, super stylish and never hurts my feet -but sometimes hurts my purse if I miss discount times:( Very easy even catwalk:) Wish you could let me know what's your personal shoe style? My question was uni-sex.

Happy Yellowish Days, a prestissimo.

These are absolutely stunning? What are they? They remind me of canola (I don't know what you would call it there), but it seems too early for that.

excellent shot here pietro! even people who does not love flowers will find it adorable.

Marie Reed
Happy Wednesday to you Pietro!

Hi Pietro,
You have such wonderful shots. And the line 'Color possesses me' is so true for me too. Given a choice I would love to sit and stare.

Thanks for helping me discover yours. :)

I am another one possessed by colours ... and this yellow is just ... great !

sonia a. mascaro
OH! These photos are gorgeous, stunning! What a color! Really, you bright my day!

i love love love the yellow colour. such a burst of happiness :)