
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


2 April 2009

Ecological Day 2/4/2009

Turin, the Monte dei Cappuccini

A climb of 15 minutes leads to the Monte dei Cappuccini and to the Church and Capuchin Convent of Santa Maria del Monte (240m) built in 1584 to a design by the architect Ascanio Vitozzi.

Ecological Day is hosted by Elma Carneiro at Caliandra do Cerrado

Comments: 34

E tra un verde naturale ed un azzurro celestiale si erge maestoso questo convento dei cappuccini....un posto ideale per pregare e meditare.

Buongiorno Pietro e buona giornata.

I imagine the pleasure to reach this church in summer after the climbing. Feeling a fresh place to meditate or pray surrounded by the Nature. It's not by chance capuchins have chosen this particular place to settle.
Certainly a wonderful view from here over the countryside, Pietro.
Maybe over the city too.

Marie Reed
I need to look up the meaning of the word Cuppuccini.. Does that refer to the flower capucine? The word is very similar to the coffee beverage too... hmmm...:)

sonia a. mascaro
Very beautiful the Monte dei Cappuccini surrounded by much trees and much green! Love also the architecture of the Church and the Convent! I think that the view from there is splendid. Great photo, Pietro!
Thanks for your participation on Ecological Day!

Pietro, voce me fez recordar de um dos lugares mais meditativos e fantásticos que estive.
Sou suspeita em gostar da Itália, mas o que dizer deste deslumbrante lugar, que respira ao céu aberto tanta beleza.


The Blonde Duck
That's a really pretty building!

i love the levels of green =)

Moltissimi anni fa ho visitato Torino ma la visita è stata limitata al centro della città.
Però conosco questi posti magici dove i frati erigono le loro dimore.
Io abito a Napoli sulla collina dei Camaldoli a 452 mt. sul livello del mare e proprio sulla punta più alta si erge un convento che dalla sua sommità domina tutto il golfo di Napoli uno spettacolo meraviglioso...
E' vero i frati facevano una vita di meditazione però sceglievano posti meravigliosi con panorami mozzafiato dove erigere i loro conventi, se ci fai caso sono quasi tutti costruiti in posti bellissimi.

Un saluto Pietro e buona giornata.

ciao Pietro, di devo ancora chiedere qualche consiglio suula macchina digitale, poiche mi fido molto del tuo parere,
dimmi secondo te una digitale di seconda mano può essere valida ? e dove si può trovare a Torino un negozio serio ?
ti lascio la mia email x la risposta grazie

Beautiful picture, but I am sure Google search will look for Cappucino here, lol !

Tala Masca
Bellissime foto, e dipinti molto particolari...complimenti!

It might take me longer than 15 minutes. It's a beautiful view!

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come back tomorrow!

A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman

wow! the thick green trees makes it enchanting.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: You chose a lovely place to capture the church with all its beauty. It looks like a steep climb up the hill.

My goodness. That is a beautiful building. It is so well cared for. I love the perspective, Pietro.

What a beautiful photo! I like the perspective and the view of that beautiful church is fantastic, as well as the colors and the light. I like that place full of greenery; it seems so peaceful.

Hi Pietro!
I like this picture.
green in front of the church is very beautiful!
it would be comfortable if I spend time on weekends!

I am always amazed at the beautiful architecture you show. This is certainly no exception!

I like the contrast of the green leaves in the front with the smaller leaves in the distance. The tower is beautiful too :-)

Un saluto Pietro e sereno fine settimana!

Gosh, that is beautiful and the way it is nestled in all of that greenery is just fabulous!! Very pretty indeed!!!

Wonderful scenery.

Paz (who forgot about Ecological Day. Oh, no!)

The Blonde Duck
You've got to try Mexican food! It's so good!

A wonderful composition that highlights the beauty of this place !

Marie Reed
Thank you again for sending me all of the information over the words meaning Pietro!

For the honor of ecological day, are we climbing up to the Monte dei Cappuccini? I'd love it:)

This solely one photo gives me a meaning as if quietly dialoguing with the hill and admiring from the tower. Isn't it a real balcony on Torino. I'm sure the panoramic view should be stunning.

Have a blessed Sunday, Pietro~

Hi Pietro! A 15 minute climb up the hill is surely a good exercise to start the day! Shame that the sky is not so blue as in your prvious post, another wonderful one!
Una voce poco fa... La Callas is unbeatable!!
Love your template!!

India 2008 has come to an end at Blogtrotter, but there is a lot to see there, still in the BRIC countries… ;). Enjoy and have a great Sunday!
Pietro you have outdone yourself with this one. That green is so perfectly Spring!

Your photo really enhances this beautiful area and architecture. And a date of 1524 really makes me wonder about the residents of the convent.
Thanks for sharing your country.

Buongiorno Pietro e buon inizio settimana!

ciao Pietro, ho preso la reflex, una Nikon d80- ho fatti i primi scatti, la diversità dalla compatta è molto evidente, sono soddisfatta
lo accqistata da marvin
buona giornata
grazie dei tuoi consigli

The earthquake is on the news. It sounds and looks devastating. I hope you and yours are safe. Best wishes!

Seema B Menon
Good One! Very pretty!

Mírian Mondon
Hi Pietro!
I know your blog from the collective blogging "Ecological Day". Unfortunately, on the same day my computer was harmed by a virus. I am just starting making a round of all the participating blogs and I wanted to congratulate you on your wonderful photos. I especially enjoyed the one of the Capuchin church and convent.