
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


28 March 2009

View of Turin

Houses of the Piazza Vittorio Veneto, designed in 1825 by architect Giuseppe Frizzi, and the Mole Antonelliana (1889, 167m high) by architect Alessandro Antonelli.

Comments: 29

THIS towering beauty is much better than the towers in your previous post.

E in tutta la sua maestosità si erge su questa bella piazza la Mole Antonelliana.
Bella foto Pietro!

Un saluto e buona giornata!

ciao Pietro, bellissima foto, usi una reflex?
ti auguo buon fine settimana anche se piove

I like the composition of this photo. That tower looks really beautiful and interesting and the color of sky is just fantastic.

This is a wonderful shot of this (relatively) modern building. I like the detail of the tower.

Oh my, this is outstanding... what a majestic looking structure indeed!!
A beautiful photograph!

You seem to have beautiful skies!

Marie Reed
and... thanks to you I know all about the Mole! I've been checking my Euros lately so that I can find the image on the back!

Marie Reed
PS. I'm also very jealous of your blue blue skies!

Wow! That is a great house. It seems that Turin is filled with sky-scraping structures.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come back tomorrow!

A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman

I imagine the rest of the square with the same lines of architesture. Maybe some arches, no ?
The museum inside the Mole Antonelliana is certainly very interesting.
Have a good Sunday, Piétro. Maybe the sky won't stay as blue as the one in your picture.

The Blonde Duck
Gorgeous. It's so regal.

Looks like home sweet home (smile*)
I have a very simple little digital camera a Sony Cybershot T300. I use the automatic settings and am very happy with this thing, because it is so small and easy to carry around and the pictures usually are very good for such a little camera.

ciao Pietro, molto bello il nuovo look,
mi hai chiesto che macchina fotografica uso :anlogica ho una nikon f 50
e digitale ho una compatta, ma voglio prendermi una reflex, tu sai consiglirmene una ? ti ringrazio .Buona domenica sotto la pioggia.

Before coming to your journal Pietro, a few of my italian friends from other parts of the country had told me that Turin was an ugly, industrial city with unfriendly people. But, from everything I’ve seen here I would beg to disagree.
I started enjoying Torino’s “hidden” treasures with your observations and lovely photos. I think Torinesi people should be so joyous:) One day I want to feel the charm of its glorious past as first capital of Italy strolling piazzas like Vittorio Veneto. Torino e' sempre + bella:)

Buonissima Domenica & gli Auguri per Quaresima~

Hi pietro!
it's the beautiful houses!
but also it's the very beautiful sky!
Have a wonderful week:)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: Very interesting building, it was built when my state was still in its infancy. What a wonderful structure and still standing proud.

sonia a. mascaro
Wow! What a wonderful photo of Piazza Vittorio Veneto and the Mole Antonielliana! Just amazing this tower and the building architecture. Really, I would love so much visiting your city! Looks so beautiful!

Thanks for your comment. I took the wheat field photo on the road to Avaré (the city near my house about 50 km).
If you have the time, please, take a look to another photos of this same place on that link:

Have a nice Sunday!

Hi Pietro,
1825 - How impressive to have withstood the test to time. I love the tower - very majestic!
my what a beautiful building. I'd love to see this in person!

hello Pietro! great photo! what do u think about the new Piano project of skyscaper in the city center?

Your photos always carry more than the image!

Regarding the camera I use,
yes, I do take pictures with a digital SRL-camera, a Nikon D80 (which I would not recommend due to the fact that it is very suceptible to dust collecting on the mirror - a result of the lenses themselves leaving tiny abrasions which then accumulate, a very annoying thing and costly too. I am very disappointed that Nikon got away with such shoddy work! The newer models have automatic dust cleaners, or whatever this is called, so I feel really cheated, my camera is only one year old).

Many of my best pictures, though, I have taken with my little Lumix camera, which has a fantastic Leica lens!

Before February 2008, all I used was my Sony Cybershot, the cheapest version of them all. I loved it and its Zeiss lens! Unfortunately, I then got greedy and bought that Nikon. Wished I had gotten the Sony DSRL!

Prior to my venture into digital photography (which came when I moved to Vienna and left the darkroom behind in DC), I photographed in black and white, doing my own developing and silver-gelatin printing: I miss that!

Although I have lived almost ten years in Rome, I never made it to Torino. What a shame!

I love that spire. It seems so ornate. Clearly we have nothing even close to that here.

The Blonde Duck
I forgot to ask! I want your secret to eating pasta every day and not getting fat!

Awesome photos, Pietro. It made me want to be there. :) It is so nice to be back here in your blog.

3 Bay B Chicks
Oh, your site makes me long to be back in Italy. I haven't traveled abroad in several years, but seeing your photos brings all of the sites, sounds, and tastes rushing back to me.

Thank you for this small gift.


Grazie Pietro per il tuo pensiero sulla mia poesia.

Un saluto e buon proseguimento di settimana!

The Blonde Duck
I need a new metabolism, then (about the pasta every day!)

This coal mine is more than a gloomy place ! it's horrible ! In 1956, 274 people died in there because of a fire, amongst them 136 Italians. Sometimes all male members of one family !! Belgium once exchanged coal against Italian workers. I visited this place and will write post about it when I have time. Fortunately this day the sun was shining and the sky blue, otherwise it would have been even more depressing !