
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


23 January 2009

The white trees, Turin, the Alps

Comments: 33

And tourists believe that it is always warm in Italy, lol !
Beautiful picture !

wow! wow! and another wow! very beautiful shot from there.

All silver and blue. Amazingly enchanting!!!!

ciao Pietro non sono sparita, ma non rieco a togliermi il raffreddore e questa forma influenzale oggi va meglio e sono tornata al blog

Beautifully done. The icy glaze on the tree in the foreground and the Alps in the distance seem to cradle this beautiful city. I am not used to seeing Italian cities in shades of white but in warmer hues. This is really gorgeous.

Awesome how the blues and whites are combined in this photo!!

I love the colours and the space! I wonder how it feels to live there, do you feel protected by the mountains or are they something you need to conquer?

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: That is a wonderful capture of the mountains over the city.

Pietro, this is fabulous. I won't have imagined that in Torino one could have a so sumptious view on the Alps.
Thanks to share, would it mean that the air above Torino is rarely polluted ? Unfortunately, I guess not?

Bellissima photo... spettacolare Torino a cielo pulito...

Beautiful view from the tree all the way back to the mountains!

Pietro! This is so beautiful. Great shot.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comments. It's the weekend! Have a blast!

A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman

Hi Pietro! TGIF!! ;)
What a lovely picture. I wish I could see the mountains like that, but it's not easy to catch them so clear in Summer and in Winter I don't dare... ;))
Blogtrotter is still posting on Delhi! Enjoy and have a great weekend!

sonia a. mascaro
Wow! What a wonderful picture, Pietro! Just a stunning place!

Have a nice weekend!

Beautiful white!

Looks heavenly.

Pietro, this is absolutely stunning! I have to go visit one day!

Marie Reed
Ahhh! It's one of my dreams to go to Italy! Gorgeous!

Cia Pietro, bella questa foto dove ci sono in primo piano questi alberi con le punte bianche come se fossero innevate ed in fondo le alpi piene di neve ed in mezzo Torino cullata da questo bianco candore, come se fosse protetta dalla neve.

Un saluto e buona Domenica1

ooh the trees are beautiful..and the alps too =)

Art and Poetry
Those white mountains just make me feel good!

Buongiorno Pietro e buon inizio settimana!

Finally managed to see the Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli video! Awesome!!
Have a great week!
Blogtrotter, with a new post for you!

ciao Pietro

I love the way who framed the photo and the colours within.

Photo Cache
Oh such beautiful vista before you. Keep sharing them with us.

Mike's Travels
Beautiful panorama!

Grazie Pietro per i complimenti, per l'immagine dello sfondo del blog, ma la mia sola bravura è stata quella nello scegliere nel web questa immagine che mi ha colpito mi ha emozionata, mi ha lasciato un piccolo sentiero di malinconia e solitudine nel cuore.

Un saluto e buona serata.

Marie Reed
The trees almost have a silver tinge:)

Great panorama; from the frozen branches and over the city’s roofs to the snow covered mountain rocks. I love this view, very much.
Thank you very much for you friendly comments on my blog. It really means me a lot knowing that you are glad that my home is warm again.:-)

Ariane Rodrigues
Sto senza parole, Pietro! Bellìssimo! Un bacio.

sonia a. mascaro
Hi Pietro,

Here a note about Ecological Day: my blog friend Elma will host Ecological Day next 2 February. We would love to have again your participation. To see her blog, click on this link: Caliandra do Cerrado

Have a nice week ahead!

the trees at the foreground are stunning.

Di Mackey
Italy and the mountains of home!! (writes a New Zealander living in Belgium and homesick for mountains).

So far I have loved all I have seen of Italy but I haven't been to Turin yet and didn't know of this mix of beauty.