
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


7 October 2008

The advance of the cement

"God made the first garden, and Cain the first city". (Abraham Cowley)

Comments: 19
cool "cranes" shot! It seems none of us can escape development.

great shot. i love the angles on this one. keep it up.

Ah, the intrusion of cement on this beautiful field. It is a difficult thing when expediency takes of aesthetics in society. I often wonder if the clock will ever roll back on this one and, if so, what we will do with all that cement!

Perfect quote for such a telling photo on its own. Nice composition to draw us right up to the cranes. I'm hoping with Sandy that the pendulum will swing back to purity.
Thanks for sharing your view!

I really like this. The grass is beautiful, but it's all so sad. I have a similar photo I want to take, but there is no evidence of the open space's eventual ruin yet, so I do not know how to do it. Yours is brilliant!

Hi pietro!
I wanna fall asleep on this field!
it must feel gooooood!
by the way are you Christian?
I'm not a real Christian.
but I used to go to Cathoric kindergaeten and to study about the bible. when I say God, I think of God in the bible.

And it will not stop... :-(

This green field looks great against those cranes. The more we are building the more we long for the Nature and its beauty. Great quotes that goes with the photo!

Bonsoir Pietro !
Oui la ville se construit, tout en ciment, hélàs...
Jolie photo tout de même...
A bientôt.

Wonderful photo and quote. So true. ;-)


more construction everywhere. soon we'll have less trees.

nice shot of green and civilization from afar.

Yes Pietro? You're right. I love the title, picture, and the quote matches perfectly.
(My green picture was, as you thought, a leaf like these ones. Thanks to comment. See you for SWF.

That is such an apt description of what's going on in the photo! Green green green.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comments.

A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman

Great title and it does happen... I'm noticing it up here in the mountains as well... *sigh*.
Beautiful photograph.
Mountain Retreat

tatzz a coool pic.. :-) n da quote is pretty nice.. :-)

like a grassy road into new life~~~ great

Louis la Vache
Good contrast between the bucolic field and the intrusion of the cranes.

sonia a. mascaro
Great photo! I did not know this quote... I like it so much. Very true!

pienamento daccordo, il cemento avanza ed il verde scompare.....
belle foto!