
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


3 July 2008

Sky Watch 4/7/2008

Turin, the Olympic Brazier 2006

The 2006 version of the Olympic Brazier was conceived to represent in a single object the tension of the Olympic Challenge: 5 flames for a single Spirit, 5 as the circles, a symbol of the union between the continents. The structure of the Brazier recalls the athlete's torsion, whose efforts result in high and lively flame. With its height of 60m, the Turin Olympic Brazier 2006 has earned the primacy of brazier highest in the history of the Olympics. The Olympic flame is 4m high.

Comments: 45

It is well known that we Portuguese once sailed the seven seas searching for new lands, wealth and adventures.
We were brave in those days and gave the world new worlds!

Luckily I don’t have to sail the big oceans on a small ship to sea the wonders of our world …
No Sir, I just need to check with Mr. Tom, the finest host there is, for a trip around the world with SKY WATCH TOURS and with a click here, a click there I am quickly in the USA, England, Brazil, Italy, China, Australia, Finland … well, everywhere.

And on each stop I come to see a little marvel of our world under a great sky!
Hope you can come and see my piece of the sky at lenses & visions

Thanks for sharing the symbolic nature of this light. Beautiful, Pietro.

Just a quick visit to say thank you for joining in with Sky Watch.

Great choice for Sky Watch too.. love the flames

Where have I seen this before? It makes one impressive shot.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: A great reminder of what is coming soon.

Toroino yes !! I do remember that games..., Carla Bruni and Pavarotti... and A.Tomba :-)))

Lively city and lovely sourindings.
Been there many times and your country is my favourite.

Nice weekend to you, from Anne in Norway.

Excellent photo - well composed!
Great job.

Reader Wil
The orange flame against the blue sky is just perfect.

I like the shape of the torch!
My Sky Watch Friday posts

nice shot

Mine in here. Thanks


Nice New Design to represent the 5 circles of Olympic Games!
Like the vision of torsion and efforet, it was well-thought.
Does the flamme always burn there? Or was it a picture of 2006?

Unique and very beautiful picture!!

Wow! There's almost a mirage at where the fire and clouds meet.

Happy skywatching!

Beautiful shot!

Petunia's SWF

Great sky watch and have a nice weekend!!!!!!!!

Wow, that is really pretty!

Wow, this is spectacular! A beautiful single hot flame burns brightly against that bright blue sky... what a wonderful contrast for sure! This is a stunning photo! A great tribute!
Mountain Retreat Photos

Champ Townboy
Stunning shot!


EG CameraGirl
Stunning photo of a flame against the blue sky. Great tribute to the 2006 Olympics.

D Herrod
Neat. The clouds appear to be extending from the torch like puffs of smoke.

wow! it's unique and i like the design.

Lovely photo and interesting explanation of the design. Thanks.

Lilli & Nevada
What a great shot

Pat - Arkansas
A lovely and informational photograph. Thanks for sharing not only the beautiful photo, but also the meaning behind the torch's construction. Very nice Sky Watch.

Pearl Maple
Great addition to Sky Watch Friday, thanks for sharing your view of the world.

Oh so wonderful! Great, great shot!

My SWF Photo is posted HERE.

Hope you could drop by as well. Happy weekends!

Nice photo

That is a beautiful photo Pietro!

Great photo and I enjoyed the info regarding the torch as well!

Hi Pietro! Lovely sky, amazing torch, great picture!
Also liked the Shanghai colours!
Thanks for your comment on Blogtrotter, now on its last post on Santiago de Compostela! Wish you a wonderful weekend!

This is really impressive shot. The flame looks beautiful against the lovely blue sky and some white clouds and all framed with branches. I love this photo and the description that goes with it.

Fotografia magnifica di un strutture molto interessanti! Grazie mostrarci esso!

Louis la Vache
"Louis" thanks you for visiting San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.

A lovely ideal executed well. Thank you for sharing.

Jo, a retired teacher
Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my Sky Watch entry. My husband and I just spent 10 days touring around Italy for the first time. We had a lovely time in your beautiful country.

sonia a. mascaro
Just amazing this Olympic Brazier! Very beautiful and creative!

Nice elements in this photo!

Perfect Sky Watch picture.

Maria P.
Belíssima foto!!

Louis la Vache
Pietro, "Louis" thanks you for visiting again at his San Francisco Bay Daily Photo!

Thank you for sharing that information. I didn't know about it. It's a great shot, also.

That is great. Thanks for sharing!Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I have had a crazy weekend. I really apreciate you support and readership of my place.

Great capture! I love the whole composition.

Many thanks for your visits to Norwich Daily Photo. I hope that you enjoy the colours of summer on my blog.
