
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


7 June 2008

Red, white, green shades

Comments: 7

Oh, it’s beautiful this shot with white little berries among the red leaves; like a painting. The sun light makes the leaves shining as if they were polished.

it really looks like a painting. (unless it really is). nice shot.

The composition on here is perfect. Colors and shading is fantastic... the white is great contrast in the reds. I enjoyed the entire photo very much!
Rocky Mountain Retreat

Hello Pietro
What a delight this pictures is. I love the colours, just about perfect for seeting me right this Monday morning.:O)

Thank you for you visit and comment.. Whatnot join in with Sky Watch as show off some of the artwork.. it would be refreshing to see a painting instead of a photo.


Pietro this is marvellous!
I love the contrast very much.

Hello again Pietro,
Thanks for your reply... I will tell you about Sky Watch.
I host it each week... On Thursday evenings at around 7.30pm GMT I do a new Sky Watch post and a place for everyone else to put there link. All you need to do is post a photo... or one of your artworks which as something to do with the Sky... anything will do. You then visit my blog and put your link and you name down... the sooner the better. Last week over 200, the week before over 220 took part.
All you need to do then is visit one or two others and say hello and see their picture.. the main thing is fun.
Any problems just email me.. it's available in my profile.


Che effetto! Bellissimo...