
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


20 March 2015

Perspective 7

Comments: 14

Merisi in Vienna
Great perspective! ;-)
So good to see you publishing again. Somehow I miss your St. Francis post, but I am glad this one showed up on my blogroll.
Warm greetings from Vienna,

Merisi in Vienna
Somehow I MISSED ... sorry!

Pietro Brosio
Thank you Merisi, glad to see you!
I always enjoy so much your fine pictures of Vienna!

sonia a. mascaro
Good morning Pietro!
I am so glad to see you posting your gorgeous photos again!
Love the photo so much and the perspective with the mountain on background is amazing!
Wishing you and yours a pleasant weekend.
Many hugs.

Sylvia K
It is indeed good to see your posts again, Pietro!! A terrific shot for the day and I do love the mountains! Hope you have a great weekend!! Enjoy!!

Pietro Brosio
Thank you Sonia, you are welcome!
Have a nice weekend, too!

Pietro Brosio
Thank you Sylvia, glad to see you!
Enjoy the weekend, too!

I would like to hear the rain on that roof.

Lovely perspective!!

Photo Cache
Keep posting Pietro, we missed your shots so much.

sonia a. mascaro
Good morning Pietro!
It is my pleasure visit you! :)

Interesting image.

Pietro Brosio
Welcome Rajesh, glad to see you!

Abstract! Great pic.